Posts Tagged: 'steve+rogers'

Apr. 12th, 2019



[Network Post]

I'm Bucky. A magician told me that I was here before. Don't remember anything about meeting anyone in an alternate dimension though.

I'm looking for a hundred year old veteran from Brooklyn who never knew when to quit.

Apr. 10th, 2019



I can't believe I'm doing this...

So Stephen, who is the most anti-social person I know, apparently believes in the power of support groups.

Who knew!

I'm Christine Palmer, MD. I'm a trauma surgeon over at Metro General, and more often than not, you'll find me in the emergency room, which believe it or not, I'm in right now.

It's my lunch, which means I'm eating a granola bar, hiding in a supply closet for peace and quiet.

And no, this isn't Grey's Anatomy, so I literally AM eating in a supply closet.

Apr. 8th, 2019



[Network Post]

Seems Spring has finally shown up in New York. I found my hair covered in little flowers that are falling from the trees in Central Park. No, Tony, there aren't any pictures.

Spring brings new things...like finding out that Nick Fury is a cat person. A new person came to town and a good friend came back. Welcome back, Wanda!

So what is everyone up to? I'm looking into going to a Mets game. Since an old Dodgers fan like me wouldn't be caught dead or frozen rooting for the Yankees the Mets get my support by default...and they started after my time so I have nothing against them.


Wanna see a baseball game?

Apr. 1st, 2019



[Network Post]


Thanks to being super bored during lunch time (P.S. - Hi, where's my sandwich guy?), I now know from a sparse amount of timeline posts that Fury's a devoted cat dad.

I mean, wow, that is a metric shit ton of cat pics. So many that I changed the status to "in a relationship." 💕

Mar. 18th, 2019



[Network Post]

Wow I forgot how terrible St Patrick's Day is in the city.

Did make $65 on darts so not a complete loss.

Mar. 8th, 2019



Multiple Texts

I know you are likely busy but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind going on a walk with me tonight?

I cannot believe you managed to find a miniature you just existing out in the world.

How are you? I would like it stated for the record that I am jealous you lot got to fight the walking undead while I was forced to put up with disgusting pirates.

Mar. 7th, 2019



[Network Post]

Hey everyone. I’m Peter. Parker? Peter Parker. From Queens. I’m Mr. Stark’s intern and he said I should post here cause I guess we’re all in the same boat? I’m from the other universe which was just…the worst remake of every bad apocalypse movie I've ever seen. Seriously. But I’m not dust in the wind here like that really old song and I got to catch an actual Pikachu, so this timeline's not that bad so far.

I can’t believe some of you are Avengers?? What’s that even like? How do you even

Anyway, hi! Um, how's everyone's day going?

[Drax/Gamora/Peter Quill]

I probably should have mentioned this before when the reality stone was freaking out, but most people around here don’t know I’m Spider-man? That would be so cool if you guys could keep that between us. It was pretty awesome working together! I can cross 'catching Pokemon with aliens' off my bucket list now.

Feb. 27th, 2019




Hey, big guy. I saw Jane's post. Want to talk or just throw punches?

Feb. 10th, 2019



[Network Post]

Well I can say that was the grossest thing I ever went through. Tony, I'm going to need your help with getting all the zombie goo off the shield.

Clint needs a new bow. Think you can work one up?

Next time? Less zombies. More steak and potatoes.

So about that date...

Jan. 21st, 2019



[Network Post]

Today, I am happy and grateful for everything that has been provided to me and mine. I do not often spout platitudes, and yet I have found myself feeling overwhelmed with pleasant thoughts.

You all have a part in that, especially that of Jane.

Thank you all. I am honoured to call you all friends.




Aunt Peggy?

Jan. 20th, 2019



[private to Pep, Steve, Nat, & Clint]

    You have 1 message )

Jan. 13th, 2019




Look what I found: https://swing46.com/

Jan. 11th, 2019


[Network Post]

I've just come from the end of the world. I'm not in entirely presentable condition. Maybe try not to bombard me with information.

But I figured I should - say hi, or something. If only so Dr. Strange doesn't have to lie to anyone about finding me in Central Park yesterday.

Jan. 8th, 2019



[Network Post]

Hey. So I understand there was another me. I'm not even going to try to explain how that works. I'll leave that to the mystic man, but I was told I was stuck in the Soul Stone...or something. Ask Strange. But I'm back.

Nov. 24th, 2018



[Network Post]

    Everyone crawl outta their turkey coma yet? I think Happy's still sleeping it off. And that's ok. He needs his beauty sleep.

    Had a chat with Strange. He's been working on getting a couple of the world's worst flavors of poprocks contained in magical whatsits before he passes them out for guard duty. That's going to be fun. Like the Christmas present no one wanted, only there's no gift receipt for a return. Expect to hear from him soon-ish.

    Oh, and I saw the news, but I was waiting for Captain Obvious to step up and say hi. Don't be shy.

    [private filter to Steve]

    Yeah, I know I'm a jerk. Recent events were enough of a punch in the junk that I know we need to have a chat. Also soon-ish.

    You know, whenever you can pencil me in. Because you probably still use stone age tools like pencils.

Sep. 2nd, 2018



Multiple text messages

Cap, Bobbi and Tony

After speaking with the former Queen Ramonda these past few days a few things have come to light regarding Wakanda.

1. King T'Challa has dusted

2. The former Queen is not ruling Queen until further notice.

3. Their army has been cut in half as well as other tribes

With all that brought to light, she has agreed to open Wakanda to us and start preparing for the fight. She does ask that you give her and her people some time to mourn as well as train those remaining. She is also sending her General Okoye here within the next day or two to help as much as possible before we all head to Wakanda within the next few days.

Aug. 30th, 2018



Filtered against Tony

Avenger* sound off.

[* meaning everyone....except for Tony]

Aug. 19th, 2018



[Network Post]

I told you that we should stick together. I warned you that divided, we lose. But you had to do it your own way. Now people are dead. People we love. Just like the dreams warned us. Maybe you’ll listen to me now.


Those of us that are left, we stick together. And I mean all of us. We gather at Tony’s. Now. Tony, I’m sorry I’m volunteering your place without asking you first, but it’s the largest and best defended. We’ll decide what to do and where to go from there. Together.

From here on out…Guardians, SHIELD, whatever….we are all Avengers!

Aug. 18th, 2018



[Network Post]

[Message to Thor, Darcy, Loki, Tony, Pepper, Hope, Scott, Steve, and Bucky]

Hi. I know this is last minute but a lot has been happening and I didn't know if I should do anything. But if you're free, I'd love to have you over for dinner tomorrow, on Sunday, to celebrate my birthday.

Aug. 16th, 2018



Text : Steve

I hope you are proud that I am doing this when you are not beside me.

Aug. 15th, 2018



[Network Post]

[Natasha, Bucky, Tony]

Peggy's here.

Aug. 8th, 2018



Filter: Avenger types

Hey, guys. First, I hope everyone is settled in. Some of us have been here longer than others. Some, like me, have been here before but don't remember. Regardless, things are starting to heat up. Nat and I were talking and we think it's about time we all met up to talk about everything.

Aug. 7th, 2018



[Network Post]

Back to red.

Image result for natasha romanoff


Anything new on HAMMER?


-.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .- ...- --- .. -.. .. -. --. / -- .

Aug. 2nd, 2018




[middle o' the goddamn night, trying desperately to stay Agent Barton, not fall into Clint]

Cap : Aragorn
Tony : Boromir (sorry, Ton', but)
Nat : Galadriel
Thor : Thorin Gimli (book vers.)
Agt Carter : Arwen
Bobbi : Éowyn
Fury : Gandalf
Loki : Gríma
Bruce : Elrond Radagast
Hulk : Balrog
Strange : one of the blue ones Elrond
Wanda : Lúthien
(Vision : Beren ? )
Pietro : Éomer Legolas

Aug. 1st, 2018



Text to Steve

I have a query, and I believe you are the most trusted to give me a straight answer.

Jul. 30th, 2018


[Network Post]

So I guess I should be used to odd things happening by now. But even this hurts my brain a little.

Is it blasphemous to want to be somewhere other than your home city?

Jul. 29th, 2018



[Network Post]

Hello boys... Miss me?

Jul. 28th, 2018



[open video]

Yo. I'm here.

[Waves the beer bottle in his hand vaguely in the direction of the camera.]

Tell me some jokes.

Here, I'll start.

Three men 're playing golf.

First one's wearing shepherd's robes 'n' hits the ball with a crook. Ball goes into a water trap. He parts the water and hits the ball out.

Second one's wearing white robes. He hits the ball, it also goes into the water trap, he walks on the water and hits it back out.

Third one's got white robes and a long white beard. He hits the ball without looking. It bounces off three trees, lands on the wrong part of the green; a turtle picks it up in its mouth, a hawk scoops up the turtle, and while they're flying over, the turtle drops the ball and it sinks a hole in one.

First guy says to the second, "Dude, I hate playing with your dad."

Jul. 24th, 2018



[Network Post]

So I guess this is where I tell everyone that I'm here. I think there's a few people I need to talk to.

Jun. 18th, 2018



[Network Post]

You'd think with everything that's been going on people would disengage from their cell phones long enough to realise that traffic moves when the light's green and, subsequently, people on the sidewalk stop so that they don't get hit.

Flying sharks not enough to make people pay attention to their surroundings? As long as we don't have another alien invasion, I'm betting human stupidity is what's going to end up wiping most of the people off this planet.

[Private: Fury]
Any more news on the secret SHIELD you're building?




> I'm at the market, you want me to grab anything?
> You got any plans for your birthday this year, old man?

[Tony Stark]
> So a little while back you mentioned that if anyone needed work that you might be able to help
> I should probably stop being a bum find something to do with myself so that I'm kept busy. You think you can find something for a 100yr old who's sort of caught up on current events?

> Did I say thank you yet for my new arm?
> Thank you for my new arm.

May. 20th, 2018



[Network Post]

Where are you? Come home immediately.

Sif, if you're not at home can you please make your way there immediately. We all need to talk. If you see Loki, bring him with you.

Something has happened and I-

I need to see talk to you.

I had... something happen. I don't know if it's something I developed when my father died or if it is to do with the parallel universe we are in, but I would welcome the chance to talk to everyone and to make sure you are all okay.

Banner, did you- I'd like to check that you are okay?

[Dr Strange]
I believe I have identified what the ill feeling is. It would seem the universe that we came from has experienced significant changes.

How long before ours catches up? Or, indeed, will it catch up?

[Steve & Tony]
My apologies for the storm. It shan't happen again.

May. 19th, 2018



[multiple texts]

[Text to Steve]

> Hi! Bet you're up. What's the protocol for angry Norse gods?
> Because I'm guessing we got one. 🌩️
> I don't think Point Break's in a texting mood. Or a gaming mood, either.
> Want me to fly over with an offering of beer and lamb chops?

[text to Fury]

> We're trying to figure out what's going on.
> Universe is leaking at the seams again.
> I'll share any odd hits Friday picks up over the emergency channels.
> Wow. I could really use some kitten.gifs right about now. #rando

[group science text to Hope, Jane, Bruce, Shuri, and Strange]

> If you got any sensor arrays or scanners up and running, I hope you're pointing them at our...everything.
> Cos right now would be a great time.
> And Strange, you better tell the rest of the science class what's going on.

May. 10th, 2018



Private Messages

[Dr Strange]
If you have some time, I'd like to speak with you. I have been feeling unsettled as of late, and I cannot seem to pinpoint this creeping feeling of dread that sweeps through my mind.

[Steve Rogers & Tony Stark]
Has there been any movement on finding out who manufactured the weapons that wounded myself and my friends?

May. 6th, 2018



[Network Post]

Well that's a thing. I guess Franken-Friday snagged that as part of the news algorithm and posted it before I could make an announcement.

Anyway! Yep. We're getting married. You're all invited. Everyone on here. Huge party afterward. And hopefully a honeymoon without ninjas, terrorists, robots, or anything else attacking. That'd be great.

While we're still in announcement mode, Nick Fury is rebooting Secret SHIELD to help the Secret Avengers with some of the more shady stuff going on lately (like those super bullets). Co-funded by me and Pep. It should help get new information flowing in. So if you're one of those cloak and dagger types, he's the man to talk at.

Grats, Fury. Don't get all mad dad at me anymore.

[private to Pepper]

Someone really took your press release and ran with it, didn't they?

May. 1st, 2018



[Network Post]

Looks like I'm not in Kansas anymore.

New York is different to how I remember it. Pretty sure that's to be expected... but the hot dogs still taste the same.

Apr. 21st, 2018


[Network Post]

Hey guys! It's me, Scott.

Yay weird circumstances? So I guess, yeah. I'm here, and I'll be doing some contract work for people who need some electrical engineering or programming without the whole...legal paper nonsense. Because that former theft stuff really puts a damper on trying to do anything ever again.

Day to day aside if anyone needs Ant Man for heroly things--and where are we with that anyways? Should I be talking about that? Whatever, I'm here. Again. Let's just not...go to jail this time. Full disclaimers needed before hopping back into the suit. I have a kid I would still like to see. Please. Thanks. Cool.

Apr. 18th, 2018



Text Messages

[Text to Bruce]
> How are you faring, Banner?

[Text to Sif]
> After all that time indoors I would like to stretch my legs
> Would you care to join me?

[Text to Loki]
> Are you well?
> The Lady Sif and I may be heading out. Would you like some more pop tarts?

[Text to Val]
> Are you feeling better?
> Once you are fully recovered, we will be prepared to wipe out the manufacturer of these weapons. I have secured the first charge.

[Text to Captain Rogers]
> Do you have news?

Apr. 14th, 2018



Text Messages

[ Text to Steve ]
> Steve, is Dr Banner alright?
> Have the clean up efforts stopped?

[ Text to Pietro ]
> I know you left to go to the market
> You did not take your wallet.

[ Text to Clint ]
> Would you like to go out for coffee?
> I found a nice place that does artisan coffee and cake. I would like to try it.

[ Text to Stephen ]
> Thank you for yesterday's lesson.
> I would very much like to borrow some books to read outside of the time we spend together. Would that be allowed?

Apr. 10th, 2018


So here's the thing...

Whoever said, "The universe is not only stranger than you imagine, it's stranger than you can imagine," wasn't just whistling Dixie.

I find myself in the unusual position of being a months-long resident of the Big Apple and a brand-new arrival. So hello, everyone.

Some of you are friends. Some of you are acquaintances. Some of you I know by name/reputation/sight. Some of you are complete strangers. But we're all in this together, I'm told.

So once again: hello, everyone. Feel free to catch up, say hello, or introduce yourself, as appropriate.

Apr. 6th, 2018



[Network Post]

[Texts to Tony]

> You doing okay?
> The Hulkbuster took one hell of a beating

[Texts to Nat]

> You seen Bruce yet?
> He's still Hulk so figured I'd give you the heads up if you hadn't yet

[Texts to Wanda & Pietro]

> Thank you for your help during and after the Hulk attack
> Don't think he would have stopped without your involvement, Wanda

[Texts to Clint]

> You wanna grab a beer?

[Texts to Shuri]

> I saw Tony's announcement
> Appreciate your help with all of this
> How's your brother?

[Texts to Peggy]

> How you finding modern day New York city?

[Texts to Thor]

> How is Valkyrie?
> Appreciate your help as always

[Texts to Dr. Strange]

> Thanks for the assist, Stephen

Apr. 5th, 2018



[Network Post]


All right, people. Since we're stuck in this together, who needs a more permanent rent-free place to stay?

Shuri's been nice enough to set up a "Wakandan diplomatic residence" to help everyone out. Here it is, with a grand total of 20 furnished apartments, so grab a roommate if you can. You provide on-site security, if needed. She's got dibs on the top two penthouses, to turn it into a science playground. While she's busy moving lab equipment and setting up shop, you're stuck with yours truly. I can feel how thrilled you are.

If you need a job, I'm hiring. Security personnel, tech support, snoozy office jobs, or lab work if you've got the qualifications. False I.D.s provided to Human Resources upon request. You didn't hear that from me (even if you did).

Comment if you want to hop on board this crazy train.

Apr. 1st, 2018



[Network Post]

[Text to All]

> Alright folks you've seen the news and you've seen Tony's post
> We have a code green but to add further complication to the mix, Spider-Man is trapped in Hammer Industries, he's hurt and in need of urgent assistance
> This is how it's going to go down...

  • Clint and Nat, you'll be rescuing Spider-Man from Hammer Industries [attachment: tracking signal]
  • Tony's already on scene with the Hulk and from what I understand Val is also on her way. Strange and Wanda, I need you there, to support and take the Hulk down if Tony can't do it
  • Thor and everybody else (including myself) are going to be doing what we can to keep the way clear for Hulk and working on getting as many civilians as we can to safety and out of harms way

  • > Like always you get dead you walk it off
    > We don't stop until the Hulk is stopped and the city is safe
    > Are we clear?

    [Text to Peggy]

    > I'm sure you've seen the news
    > Whatever you can do to help would be appreciated
    > But whatever you do stay out of the Hulk's way
    >Can't handle you dying on me again



    [voice text to Steve]


    > Okay so today just got worse. I need someone to go get our Spider-kid out of Hammer Industries. There's blood loss involved. And if somebody doesn't get their ass out there to extract that kid pronto, I'm going to drag a very pissed off Hulk there with me when I go do it myself.
    > attachment: [tracking signal]