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Aug. 29th, 2010


State of Mind

Title: State of Mind
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa/Squall, Seifer/Ultimecia
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I started this more along the lines of Rinoa and Squall with the thought that after a while, the Sorceress powers will start to warp the mind no matter how good of a Knight they have. In the end, it seemed more Seifer and Edea/Ultimecia, hence the pairing tags
State of Mind )


Warm Beer

Title: Warm Beer
Characters/Pairings: Seifer, Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: ...i think i might be on a seifer run here.
Warm Beer )

Aug. 28th, 2010


Descent / Echoes

Title: Descent
Characters/Pairings: Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: ...
Descent )

Title: Echoes
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa, Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Parallels and echoes...
Echoes )

Aug. 22nd, 2010


Sense Of

Title: Sense Of
Characters/Pairings: Nida, Xu
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Perks of being the pilot

The scenery that they passed was gloriously breathtaking and from his vantage point in the cockpit, he didn't miss much: chocobos running around mountains - disappearing into forests when Garden got closer; cactaurs roaming the deserts and flocks of birds almost eye level.

Nida enjoyed zipping over vast ocean space while Xu would grip the railings and tell him that there was no reason to speed. It was a sense of flight that he'd never experience. To almost touch heavens for one world bound.

Despite Xu's white knuckled grip, he knew she enjoyed it, otherwise she wouldn't be smiling at him.


Better Than

Title: Better Than
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Hmm, apparently Seifer is a bit of a slut. >.> doesn't mean I don't love him less.
Better Than )

Aug. 16th, 2010


Soulful Words and Dock-side Kisses

Title:Soulful Words and Dock-side Kisses
Characters/Pairings: Fuu, Quistis
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: not sure if there would be another part...
Soulful Words and Dock-side Kisses )


Girly Love Letters and Whiskey

Title: Girly Love Letters and Whiskey
Characters/Pairings: Fuu/??, Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: this needs a part two. maybe. >.>
Girly Love Letters and Whiskey )



Title: Pandemonium
Characters/Pairings: Fuu, Pandemona
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: ...
Pandemonium )

Aug. 12th, 2010



Title: Caretaker
Characters/Pairings: Fuujin with a dose of Raijin and Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: being sick sucks.
Caretaker )

Aug. 9th, 2010


Pride Before Prejudice / Pacifist

Title: Pride Before Prejudice
Characters/Pairings: Caraway
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I blame it entirely on this train of thought
Pride Before Prejudice )

Title: Pacifist
Characters/Pairings: FH's Mayor
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: FH's mayor and a bit of his past - fandom style.
pacifist )

Aug. 2nd, 2010


Chocolate Kisses

Title: Chocolate Kisses
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Squall/Zell
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: mmm, i could so have a chocolate kiss like this.
Chocolate Kisses )

Jul. 19th, 2010


Snarled Yarn

Title: Snarled Yarn
Characters/Pairings: Zell with implied Seifer/Zell
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG - swearing
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

Zell really didn't understand how one simple mission could turn into something so clusterfucked. Factions and resistance movements popped up over night and put a huge kink into his plans.

He was suppose to be meeting up with a particular blonde in a couple hours but the mission was like a snarled ball of yarn. The more you pulled, the more it came unraveled with extra bits attached. Right now, the martial artist just wanted to find a pair of scissors and cut out the offending parts, just to go home and try to make up for being kept away.

Jul. 18th, 2010


Not As Planned

Title: Not As Planned
Characters/Pairings: Squall/Rinoa, thoughts of Squall/Seifer
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: This is actually just parts of a longer one shot I'm writing.

The relationship with Rinoa, he didn't speak up against it, just went through the motions and let them happen. He didn't seem to care one way or the other how things went, still closed off to the world it seemed.

He did care, or at least he cared about the blonde. Cared that he was no longer there - antagonist, bully, rival, friend, lover. There was an empty spot in his heart. Rinoa knew that there was something wrong but never would she know who or how deep that empty space was.

This was not what he had planned for them.

Jul. 15th, 2010



Title: Saviors
Characters/Pairings: Shiva
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: this might be something that's the tip of the iceberg. damn it.

It was said in hushed whispers through the halls of time and space where Guardian Forces reside that there would be Saviors, of a sort who would free their kind from Sorceresses who held them captive.

Shiva, who deemed herself strongest, arrogantly stated that she would one day be paired with the strongest of those Saviors, if they proved themself worthy.

Countless many came and failed. They could not free the chains that bound them but Shiva knew, felt it in her icy bones that the time was coming and her plan to be with the strongest would be nigh.


Father's Wishes / Relinquished Proposals

Title: Father's Wishes
Characters/Pairings: General Caraway, mention of Rinoa
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: even fathers have plans

I had hopes, dreams - plans even, for Rinoa. I wanted so much for her.

If I could have, I would have shipped her away from my sort of life. Protect her from her thoughts that war was something good.

She never seen the ugly side of war - not how I did. Even with the Sorceress War, she still gushes about how things are going to be better.

Does she not see the broken dreams? The future plans gone awry? No. Of course not. She hasn't become jaded and bitter by life's ruined plans.

Maybe she can stay ever the optimist.

Title: Relinquished Proposals
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa/Squall
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: i had issues with dreamed/dreamt.

She had planned to fall in love, planned to get married and live happily ever after.

One might say that one out of three isn't bad, but it was, by her standards.

Squall was married to his job and their happily ever after didn't seem so happily or very ever after. She wasn't even sure if Squall even loved her anymore or if he kept her around because she was a Sorceress.

She felt betrayed by her plans, the plans that seemed so much like a childhood whimsy that was dreamed up in the lap of her mother.

Relinquished proposals.



Title: Uncertainty
Characters/Pairings: Selphie
Team: Esthar
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I feel like there should be a warning but I'm not sure what it would be.

SeeD was something that some people strove to be, once they heard of it. Something to fill them with determination and drive - for whatever the reason.

After Selphie became SeeD, she was ecstatic. After saving the world, she was euphoric for a period of time.

All of that happiness and joy came to a screeching halt; instead she was filled with dread and uncertainty. No longer was the brunette upbeat and cheerful.

No longer was she certain of her future and Selphie felt more lost than she did while in Time Compression and all because of a positive pregnancy test.

Jul. 12th, 2010


Blonde for a Blonde

Title: Blonde for a Blonde
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Cloud
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R - implied sex
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: >.> i blame it on Cloud's mouth.

Normally the saying went, an eye for an eye but a blonde for a blonde? Seifer wasn't complaining, not in the least.

When he first met Cloud, he would have pegged him for the sort that was quiet in all aspects of his life - sex included. Never thought he would've been a screamer. Zell, now he was quiet on the other hand - barely a noise when he came. For all the running at the mouth he normally did, Seifer originally thought he would have screamed until the walls fell down.

Seifer wasn't going to complain at the change of partners.


Presidential Issues

Title: Presidential Issues
Characters/Pairings: Reno, Rude, Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R - violence
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

"I can take whatever you throw at me." Word slurred by cracked and broken lips. Defiance shone in the green eye not closed by swelling.
"Hit 'em again. Cocky bastard." The redhead drawled around an unlit cigarette.
"..." The bald man seemed to almost hesitate for a second before winding up and clocking the blonde again.

Seifer's head swung back slowly and he sneered. "I told you once, I told you twice and I'll tell you again - I don't know where your 'President' is. We only had one - Deling and he got offed by the Sorceress. Never heard of ShinRa until now."

Jul. 11th, 2010


Practical to Beautiful

Title: Practical to Beautiful
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa, hint of Ultimecia
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

The Station itself wasn't pretty to look at. It had the finest technology that Esthar had, updated constantly but it wasn't pretty. It was practical. It had housing units, the labs, the docking bays and the air-walks - all practical. No amount of paint could make it look pretty.

The Sorceress's seal was a thing of beauty. Some small voice kept whispering that it was something that should be admired - anything that could lock us away in a state of suspended animation was a thing of beauty.

Her body forced to move, shuffled along, from stark practicality to the insanely beautiful.


Pot Calling Kettle

Title: Pot Calling Kettle
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Zell
Team: Balamb G
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

He is grandstanding again. It will get him into trouble with the faculty but in reality, it doesn't seem like he cares. If it wasn't T-boarding, it was doing back-flips and jumps off of the short wall in the main foyer.

Personally, I don't care. He calls me on my grandstanding, goes so far to say that I'm an exhibitionist. Says I like it when people watch me.

Not everything is about me. Just most things - like my want to push him up against a wall and kiss him. Watch his expression as he realizes I kissed him in public.

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