October 18th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #110

Balamb Garden came in with 20 points and won the trophy for another week! Everyone else was probably at a party. Balamb needs to stop working and maybe party for once!

This week's word prompt: #110 - Death

Every person holds Death in their mind differently. The passing of a soul to the next plane, a dark robed being coming to claim you, a possible rebirth to learn lessons you should have gotten done right that last time around, or something utterly simple as you are no more.
With every thought on what happens then, there is an equally different thought on how that person should be remembered.

Of course, death isn't always the physical! It could be the end of a relationship, or a loss or absence of spiritual life (perhaps there is a secret Priesthood of Hyne just as there might be ones who believe in the Save Symbol being something to save them from a death).

Squall became angry when he heard of news of Seifer's death. Sorceresses can't die until they pass on their powers. Monsters and beasts give a primal cry before fading to nothing. The Save points are everywhere, do others use them and see them as a symbol of a faith? What happens when a GF isn't revived?

Death can be natural or forced and come in many different ways. However you plan to serve it up, make sure it's only 100 words.

Suggestion Box

October 2015



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