May 10th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

River Time

Title: River Time
Characters/Pairings: Ultimecia
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: This idea came to me while listening to Ideas in the Afternoon on the CBC radio at work. They were discussing time in it's variants and it's flow or our flow within and around it. A gentleman came on saying that the Blackfoot belive that time is much like a river and we stand on it's shores. We can walk the shoreline and visit events in the past or to a degree, the future.

I stand on the banks of the river Time, watching.

I look in the direction of it's flow and I see only grey for the future; rocks, water and time, all surrounded by grey mist. I look away and see with almost startling clarity the moment when things went wrong, where they went wrong.

I walk the banks, going backward to stop myself. To warn against the Lion - the savior, and my own destruction.

I never reach that point on shore; I realize now that I can only watch. Never will my feet touch the waters of the past again.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #89

Balamb took a moment to do a bit of writing and came in with 10 points. Others stopped to smell the roses!

I will be posting this here sooner because IJ was having issues logging in and what not and I fear that TIME KOMPRESSION aka Mercury Retrograde will just end up eating my post.

This week's word prompt: #89 - Naked

To be naked can be of many forms. The obvious - without clothes. Of course, it just goes from there - fields and trees striped to lay naked. A lone naked flame in the dark of a cave or woods. A sword without it's sheath or to be defenseless. Being plain and simple without adornment can mean to be naked as well.

Does Laguna hate the Presidential trappings and enjoy the simple life? Is Squall unwilling to drop his clothes, even if bloodied and ruined? Maybe Ward likes to hide behind the aide's clothing and not let his scars be naked for all to see. Is there a reason why Edea has no adornments in her hair after the War?

However your muses like to be naked, let them be so with only 100 words.

Suggestion Box

October 2015



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