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Posts Tagged: '%7Ekara+roth'

Nov. 30th, 2009




Who: Kara and Darlene
When: Monday Afternoon, Nov. 30
Where: Darlene's Garage

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Aug. 20th, 2009


In Da Club

Who: Kara, open to all
Where: Silky's
When: Thursday night

Most people, when awaiting a call to find out whether or not they'd gotten a highly coveted gig in a popular band, would be a nervous wreck. Possibly sitting in front of the phone, a jittery mess.

Not Kara Roth, however. No... the laid-back, tattooed blonde was out dancing. While Silky's was a fairly small club, with frequently-busting AC, she loved the atmosphere and music of the small hip-hop club. She'd been a regular long enough to get past the novelty 'token white girl' status, and was well-liked by most of the other regulars.

Hey, if the band called? Whether to tell her they wanted her or not? She had an answering machine, after all.

Clad in a pair of black shorts, a flowered and sleeveless tee-shirt, and with her long blonde hair in cute pigtails, the laid-back young woman just got out on the dance floor, getting her groove on.

Aug. 10th, 2009




Who: Ginny, open to Lexi, Irene, Lilly, and anyone wanting to audtion for Ginny's band.
Where: Eden
When: Early monday afternoon

Well... it had to happen sooner or later. Why not sooner? Ginny knew she needed to replace Paige, and the sooner she did it, the sooner she was sending out the message that she wasn't afraid of the girl, or her threats.

So, she called Lilly and Irene, and told them her plans: she wanted to have open auditions at Eden, with all three of them present. She also wanted Lexi there, to give HER opinion, as a respected guitarist herself.

She had some ideas for a new name (since Paige had come up with Coma White), ones she liked better. But she'd ask the girls about that later. For now? It was time to see who was interested in replacing their resident drama queen.

Jul. 26th, 2009


One of these things is not like the others...

Who: Kara, OT anyone
Where: Silky's, a hip-hop club in LA
When: Saturday night

To Kara, this was her version of paradise. She didn't care about the fact that she was one mildly-frail white girl in a club full of mostly big black guys... she was out on the floor, dancing to the big, full bass beat, and most of the guys showed her respect anyway. She could dance well, and she didn't take any crap.

This was a small place, it wasn't some big, ritzy place like Avarice or Eden. This was just one level, fairly cramped, but the music was good, the drinks were cheap, and for the most part, while the AC was usually on the fritz, making the place hot as hell, the vibe was good and fun.

And Kara, well... as previously stated, this was paradise to her. She was just dancing her little heart out, shaking that ass expertly to the beat.

Jul. 24th, 2009



Tryouts, Pt. 1

Who: Mere and Kara
Where: Jack and Mere's Place
When: Friday Evening

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