April 2010



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December 21st, 2009

[info]the_northman in [info]whoville


Eric pulled back, mouth bloody, and smiled at his food. His tiny blonde food, and oh so willing. "Thank you, Charlotte. That'll be all for today."

He did not know what universe she was from, only that her blood tasted delightfully exotic and that she got off on pain. She pouted, but knew better than to protest, a hand to her neck. She moved to the bar, where the perfect bartender of the day had already prepared a little pick-me-up for her.

Eric leaned back in the booth at the end of the bar, savoring the moment, until he suddenly became aware that Asher had entered the bar, and he peeked out of the booth to catch sight of the younger vampire.

[info]asher_to_ashes in [info]whoville


Asher was slightly irritated, slightly bored, and more than slightly perplexed about the nature of this place. The night would come to an end all too soon. Though he was still curious, he recognized the necessity of a secure place to spend the coming day.

He found a staircase that led downward and followed it, thinking that he really most find a food source before he was reduced to feeding on vermin -- or Eric's leftovers. Neither one was particularly appetizing.

[info]estraven in [info]whoville


A figure wrapped in a fur lined coat was huddled up on a street corner, a dark thin face staring out from under the hood. It didn't take a doctor to realize, even wrapped up, that he'd lost a lot of weight recently.

Therem was unsure what to do. This was very, very clearly, not his world. These people - they made him think of the photographs Genly had shown him. Also, it was far too warm for Kerm land in the middle of winter. Where was Genly? He'd been right there.

First things first, he took off his heavy gloves and shed the coat. There was still multiple layers to protect from the cold.