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January 31st, 2009

[info]chippedspike in [info]whoville


Spike was bored. And lonely. And missing Lane like crazy. Not just the warm body in his bed and the fresh human blood to drink, but the companionship, the love. For all that he pretended to be the Big Bad, he wasn't good at being on his own.

He was wandering through the city, scowling and kicking at things, throwing the odd can or small rock, and pretty obviously looking for a fight.

[info]tenthdoc in [info]whoville

Open (preferably to a Whoverse character)

The Doctor was sitting at a table in the hotel lobby (he'd been spending a lot of time there, hoping to come across his Jack, though he'd slipped out of sight whenever another version of himself came along) making himself a sonic screwdriver out of parts he'd filched from - well - just about everywhere.

He cursed when a part rolled off the table and underneath it, and stiffly bent down to try and retrieve it. His back seized and he found himself effectively stuck.

With relief, he heard the hotel door open. "Excuse me!" he called, with forced brightness, still stuck bent down under the table. "I don't suppose you could help me up, could you?"

[info]themaster in [info]whoville


The Master had found a huge games hall, with pool and snooker tables, darts boards, table tennis, and other smaller games like dominoes and cribbage, and a bar all along one wall.

And rather lovely picture windows overlooking the river - obviously designed to distract the players.

He was currently playing snooker rather intently, concentrating hard on angle and power and potting the balls smartly down the centre of the pocket. He was actually pretty good at it.

He potted the black in the far pocket and straightened, pleased with himself, and noticed someone watching him. "Not bad, eh?" he grinned.

[info]romanathesecond in [info]whoville

Vae's Martha

Romana slowed and paused in the dining hall of the hotel. "You're a new face. New to me, at least. I'm Romana."