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August 15th, 2008

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville

Becky's Five

The Master spotted the cricket uniform, slowed down, and hopped off his bike. He walked his bike up to the table where the Doctor was taking tea, and leaned it against the next table over, before flopping the chair across from the Doctor without asking for leave.

"Bored yet?" he asked. Curious and interested in the Doctor's reaction, but pretty damn mellow. A compete 180 from the last time he'd seen this Doctor.

[info]theonewhoran in [info]whoville


Harry had. Calmed down a bit. He'd been here a few days and he was starting to get used to the fact that absolutely nothing made any sense.

He had – eventually – found Lucy's note in the hotel lobby and gone up to her room several times, but she hadn't been there. Well, sometimes, he could swear there was someone in there but the door was locked and no-one answered.

Eventually he remembered the final part of her instructions and left her a note telling her where his room was and could she please come and find him instead.

Then he went for a walk. With an ice-cream. Might as well enjoy himself while he was stuck in the place that made no sense.

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville

Open (Anna's Master/ Lis' Master- Finished)

John had finally managed to get his hands on one of the hotel bar droids. So to speak.

He was currently sat cross-legged up on the bar, brow furrowed, muttering to himself around the screwdriver he had between his teeth, hands inside the droid's back. Out on the bar in front of him was his useful little bunch of metal toolkit pieces, his wriststrap, several random bunches of wires, and a bottle of an odd-looking pink spirit. 

He jumped back suddenly, narrowly avoiding a large electrical spark from inside the droid. The screwdriver dropped from his mouth, and he cursed loudly.