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August 9th, 2008

[info]romanathesecond in [info]whoville

Morgyn's Oldman!Master

After leaving the freshly regenerated Master alone to sleep what she hoped was a long enough period of time, she went to go see him, and get a feel for the new personality. The Doctor's blaster still in her pocket, but not out in her hand. She stepped in his room/cell and sat in a chair.

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville


The Master had a book open in front on him, at a table in dining hall. But he was currently watching the coffee brew in the French press in front of him like it was quite fascinating.

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville


It was nighttime, or what passed as night round here anyway. John was at the lake. A lengthy swim had helped to shake out some of the cobwebs. He was currently lying back against the shoreline, stark naked, arms crossed above his head, staring up at the stars, wondering if any of the constellations up there were real. He didn't recognise any of them, which unnerved him slightly.

He let his eyelids close softly, and didn't bother opening them when he heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey gorgeous," he said quietly. "Come to join me?"

[info]tenthdoc in [info]whoville


The Doctor had surprised himself by sleeping deeply, and woken with Jack wrapped around him. They'd talked for a while about what had happened and then Jack had finally agreed to sleep in his turn. He'd been through a lot and he was looking pale and drawn again.

The Doctor, on the other hand, was feeling restless as hell and wanted quite desperately to get out of the TARDIS. The fact that he could sense the Master there might have been a quite significant factor in that. He asked the TARDIS very nicely to protect Jack from the Master just in case, eavesdropped briefly at the Master's door making sure Romana was all right in there, and left.

Outside, he felt much better. He stuck his hands in his pockets and sauntered along, squinting up at the sky and whistling Oh, What a Beautiful Morning - rather tunelessly.

[info]sunnydaleslayer in [info]whoville


Buffy was in a clearing in the woods, training. She'd gone for a run and knocked on the door of Corwen's little house to see if she was up for joining in, but she didn't appear to be home.

So she'd just run a bit further then stopped for a breather. She was practising twisting and thrusting, a stake in each hand.