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July 24th, 2008

[info]soldierintime in [info]whoville

Open to all female characters

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The sign she'd hung out read:

Females only.

No male beings allowed. Not even you, Jack. And especially not the Doctor.

Snacks and movies in the the first door to the left past the control room.

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville


The Doctor slid down next to the Master on a couch in the lobby, and rested his chin on his shoulder, "Whatcha reading?"

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"You are not winning," the Master informed him, firmly.

"I so, so am," the Doctor taunted sumgly, walking backwards away from the couch. And then he took off.

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville


John had managed to extricate himself from the tangle of limbs that was himself and Jamie in the bed in his room. John'd been woken by a nightmare. It'd faded as soon as he was fully conscious, just leaving him feeling vaguely uneasy.

 He wasn't really sure whether it had been his own dream, or even if it'd been Jamie's. Jamie didn't seem too disturbed, apart from still frowning at something in his sleep. Either way, John was awake, and needed to take some time out, some fresh air, and a wee breather as it were.

Padding over the the chest of drawers, he found a pair of sweatpants. He would've been happy just leaving the room with no clothes, but oh no, we don't want to upset the locals now, do we? John rolled his eyes to himself as he put the pants on. He grabbed a rug from the bed, as he was a bit chilly, and pulled it round his shoulders. Moving quietly across the room, John opened the door, wincing as it creaked slightly.

Taking a look down the corridor, he saw a water cooler. Grabbing himself several plastic cups worth, he settled down in the doorway to his room, door open. John tilted his head back, eyes shuttered, just thinking things over.