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July 22nd, 2008

[info]ltciantojones in [info]whoville

Spike (Finished)

The night, at least, was still quiet, and soothing, as Ianto padded through the park, his shoes in hand, and jacket abandoned somewhere further back, hung off a tree. It wasn't like he'd need to worry about it, not if he couldn't remember this place when he returned home. He scowled, and dropped the shoes at the base of a tree before he threw them, sliding his hands into his pockets instead as he kept on walking.

His knife was back in his pocket, though he had yet to see Jack since the incident in the hotel lobby. That he'd been making himself hard to find by walking all over this place might have had something to do with that, though. He pressed his lips together, shoving the entire tangle away for now.

A whisper-soft sound drew his attention, and Ianto slowed his step, angling for a large tree he could put his back to. Listening for any sound of another person out here with him.

[info]fireplace_girl in [info]whoville

Open (a Jack would be nice)

Reinette was wearing blue today, for a change. She wandered through the park, picking flowers to take home for Nancy. There were all sorts of flowers here, far more types than she'd ever seen at home - and the Poissons had a pretty impressive garden at home.

She was transfixed by an almost luminous blue flower, something like a carnation but, well. Luminous purple.

"Excuse me," she said, when she heard footsteps on the path behind her. "Do you know what this flower's called? It's beautiful!"