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June 21st, 2008

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Lis' People

He'd just retconned himself, and watched Adam disappear with the memory of Adam. Left staring at an empty cell he'd started back up. Except when he got to the top he came out into the hotel lobby instead of the hub.

He stopped walking, rubbed his forehead with one hand and cursed quietly under his breath. "I am getting really sick of this place." He fell straight back into a chair, dropped his hand and opened his eyes. He squinted at the person he saw there. "Are you one of mine, or a random passer through?"

His memories were still shaky and settling. There but not quite enough to trust his judgement, and he wasn't prepared to be trusting, or expend the energy necessary to be defensive -- yet.

[info]chippedspike in [info]whoville


It was night and Spike was out again, enjoying having the freedom of the town again after so long cooped up inside.

A burst of laughter leaked out from a bar as he passed, and he paused, cocked his head, and then headed inside. He'd missed bars too.

He headed up to the bar and got the bardroid's attention. "Pint of bitter and a pint of blood, mate."

[info]tenthdoc in [info]whoville


The Doctor had been back to his TARDIS and had finally caught up with Jack again. They'd talked a bit about John and the Master and Jamie, but Jack hadn't really been much help. He'd just kept saying he needed to get to know the Master like the Doctor had got to know John - which worried the Doctor rather. They at least hadn't quarrelled this time, though.

In the end, he left Jack to his own devices and headed out into the town again. Stopped at a little ice-cream shop and got the biggest ice-cream sundae he could find. Sat down and started to eat it.

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Lis' Master

He walked until he found the Master.

He walked up behind the Master, slipped his arms around his waist and said, just a bit before he physically connected. "I've been looking for you." His voice was low, warning that he was there, and his grip was loose enough to allow for a lot of reaction. He'd take and roll with anything, but this issue was going to be settled now.

This issue being the one between the two of them.

No Doctor, no Rose, and the ghosts were going to be exorcised.

Right now. Tonight.

[info]themaster in [info]whoville

Brant - finished

He was wandering in the park, enjoying the peace and quiet and pondering on his meeting with his former self. It had been rather eye-opening in a number of ways.

When he saw Jack - a Jack, a mortal Jack - in the distance, he couldn't help but head towards him. He'd never met a mortal Jack before. He was curious.

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville


TW S2 Finale Spoilers - Just in case. )