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June 17th, 2008

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville


It was shortly after nightfall.

The Doctor was restless, so he walked the streets to burn some energy, singing softly, just barely audible - "And when I look into the sky at night I want to go out and chase the stars
And like the catcher in the rye, I want stay where you are, I want to stay..."

He feel silent and slowed when he felt someone coming near, and glanced over his shoulder.

[info]notsodead in [info]whoville

Lis's Three (Finished)

Continued from here.

The Master strolled along the row of shops in the town proper, a bland expression on his face as he watched the handful of people on the street. Mentally categorizing them, dismissing some as not worth the effort, others as potentially too well connected to safely separate out from the rest. Ever the calculating predator, even if he had no intentions to go for someone new. Well, not entirely true, but he wasn't sure who John had been protective of. Certainly not Jack - Jack was more than able to take care of himself.

Dismissing the thought with a small sigh of irritation, the Master scanned the street again. And smiled. Oh, there was a face he hadn't seen in centuries. He strolled over to the man outside a cafe.

"Now, that is not a face I had expected to see here, after all this time. Good afternoon, Doctor."

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville

Mecca's Nine

The Master was back in his gloves. He'd been rattled by his encounter with yet another Jack, and watching him clash so bitterly with his Doctor. He'd projected calm for Jack's sake and for his Doctor's sake, but he'd hated it.

He sat outside a cafe, with a pot of tea, attempting to process everything that had happened the last few days. Trying shake the morass of guilt he knew wasn't doing anyone any good.