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June 14th, 2008

[info]fireplace_girl in [info]whoville


Reinette hurried into the dining room, still in her long nightie, and looked around anxiously. "Excuse me," she said, to the room at large. "Has anyone seen Francoise-Louise?"

[info]sunnydaleslayer in [info]whoville


Buffy pouted at the notice on the board in the hotel lobby.

"There was a vampire that needed subduing and nobody told me?"

[info]not_abandoned in [info]whoville


Jack had been wandering about, trying to shake off thoughts about a version of himself who had never been made immortal and who had died. And how it had affected those who loved him.

It wasn't something he'd thought about much, when he had still been mortal, even though he'd lived in danger most of his life since joining the Time Agency.

He was thinking about it now, though.

He ended up at the lake. Decided to distract himself with something physical, stripped off, and went for a swim.

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville


The Doctor was hovering somewhere between irrationally vaguely irritated and relieved that seeing Jack seemed to have flipped something one in the Master that made him bother to eat and sleep properly. Most of the irritation was at himself, for not manging it earlier, but some at the Master for not responding to the Doctor worrying about him. Well, he was smart enough not to say anything about to the Master about it, and be happy he looked better already.

He milled around the town, pondering how long they might be here, and what they could do to occupy themselves. He was frankly not very interested in finding a way home at the moment. Jamie's father might be right, that they were here for a reason.

Simple, easy, good fun would be setting up some experiments to run with Rose. And if he could get the Master involved, wonderful. He peered into a shop, contemplating lab supplies.