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June 4th, 2008

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville


The Master was in the middle of one the grassy areas of just beyond the main clump of buildings. Suit jacket and tie off, digging a giant hole with a spade. Anyone who might be watching for a while would hard pressed not to notice that that anytime he let got of the spade's handle, his hands were shaking. Or that he looked like shit in general.

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville


The Doctor was tearing around town with a frantic, stunned air. Clearly looking for someone. Those who had experience with long term relationships of a certain tumultuous type might recognize his particular "Oh, god, I can't believe I did that" look.

[info]tech_genius in [info]whoville

Any Ten

"He has to be around here somewhere." Tosh leaned against the side of a building, reaching down to pull off one shoe, rubbing her heel. "I'm sure he wouldn't have gone far."

Jack put a hand under her elbow to help her keep her balance, keeping an eye on the street for other people, a small frown on his face. "I haven't seen anyone since we arrived, Miss Sato. Or the TARDIS."

"Well, we haven't searched everywhere yet." Tosh put her shoe back on, giving him a small smile. She tucked her hand into his offered arm, stepping out into the street once more. "We'll find him, or someone, sooner or later."

Jack returned her smile, recognizing the determination she'd shown when he first met her, only a few days before. That somehow, she'd find some solution to the problem of getting home - or finding the Doctor, in this case. He looked over the street as they continued along, spotting a familiar tousled head, even if the outfit wasn't quite what he remembered the Doctor wearing.
