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May 22nd, 2008

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville

Becky's KKBB Jack

The Doctor really hadn't been meaning to avoid, but maybe he had a bit, without meaning to? Reminded of his slippery tendencies, he went to look for at least one of his. Co-habitants? This whole sleeping with other versions of your lovers things lead to strange labels.

He found both of them, in the end, under a tree. The Master curled up in Jack's lap, clearly asleep, and Jack sitting contently. The Doctor crept up quietly, and sat down beside Jack.

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville


John was in a good mood. Meeting Lucy had been fun, despite him having to explain a few tough things to her. He really hoped she was going to be okay.

He headed back into town, finishing off the bottle while he walked. He dropped it into a nearby bin when he'd finished. "Right. Library first, I think," he said out loud, hoping that the town would pick up on the idea, and save him some walking time. Sure enough, he soon saw the Library coming into view.

He took a moment to take a deep breath, and calm down a little, before he entered the Library, hoping to find Romana.

[info]half_human in [info]whoville

Becky's daddy Jack

Jamie had talked to his dad.

Jamie had been drafted (without resistance) to bring food and diapers to the Jack and baby holed up in a hotel room. He also brought a knife and gun for the other man as well as fresh clothes for both the baby and adult.

He knocked on the door with his elbow, "Hey, it's Jamie."

Not that he would necessarily remember Jamie but well. Jamie's not John or the Doctor or someone he knows is nutty.