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May 9th, 2008

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville

Becky's KKBB Jack

The Doctor was feeling. Fairly optimistic, actually. There was one little niggle. Two really. One was that he hadn't spent time with Jack recently, and not alone, since flipping out on him. The second was. That thing with the other Jack and Master. He needed to get that off his chest. Jack, in particular, deserved to know.

And he'd like his screwdriver back. Okay three, because Jack shooting himself with it was a little odd, as the not-his Master had commented.

He just needed to talk to Jack. So he came back into the TARDIS, and beelined for Jack's room, without tracking down the Master. He knocked and waited, to see if Jack was in.

[info]hunter_dean in [info]whoville


Dean was doing better with Bumfuck since his brother was around. More peace of mind, and if he'd only had his car, he'd be a happy man.

At least his Dad hadn't turned up. That would have freaked him out.

Instead, he was pretty content, wandering along the street, kicking at stones on the track. No demons (except that vampire), no time passing, no crossroads, no timescale. Life? Was good.

[info]mother_nancy in [info]whoville

Open (Thete)-Done

Nancy walked out of the dark alleyway into bright sunlight. She blinked hard. It had just been night, what on earth? She turned around to grasp Jamie's hand, wanting to keep him close, so soon after they'd been reunited, to find him gone.

"Jamie, sweetheart where are you? You can come out it's safe," she called back into the alleyway. She wasn't so sure about that last statement, but she wanted him with her at all costs. "Come on out, and hold Mummy's hand." There was no reply from Jamie. Nancy turned around to find someone looking over at her. "Have you seen a little boy, about this high?" She moved her hand to show the stranger.