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May 7th, 2008

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville

Anna's Master

The vampire issue still hadn't been resolved. Which reminded the Doctor of other issues still unresolved. He extracted a promise from the Master that he stay in the TARDIS until the Doctor got back, borrowed the Master's screwdriver and went looking for. The Master. The one he had run from.

A lot had happened since he'd last talked to that one. To him at least. Who knew about the Master, but he guessed the Master had at least been sort through a lot internally. The Doctor felt ready for what could be a rocky conversation. He went up to the penthouse on the hotel, and knocked on the door. And waited.

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville

Open (Mecca's Jack)-Finished

Aftermath from here , please heed warning :)

John awoke face down in tangled sheets in the strange room. In the moments before full consciousness, there was red behind his eyes, pulsing with the throb in his head. Tendrils started seeping through, as he swam upwards from sleep. Locked in a sea of white, he fought hard against the sheets, gasping. Wrapped up tight, he was coughing, choking, struggling, trapped. Getting finally free he lay panting hard, staring unfocussed for long moments at the ceiling.

He didn't remember getting dressed and leaving the room. Only frayed rope strewn across a floor, empty packets discarded, and the scent of fear and sex in the room. Heady and nauseating all at once. Long minutes stretched out as he got dressed on autopilot, distant and numb, dazed and stunned.

Didn't remember getting to the hotel. How he forced himself into a scalding shower half dressed, curled up tight in the corner against the wall, water drumming down his face. How he wandered down to the foyer, dressed in only a tee shirt, his jeans and boots. His coat and most weapons forgotten, back up in the hotel room, only the stiletto blade glinting in his clenched fist

All he knew was that he was now outside, out of the confines of stifling rooms, where he could finally breath. The outside light strained harshly against  his eyes, tunnel vision dizzying him. As soon as he felt like he could stand straight, he bolted, running as hard he could, flat out, until his lungs burned, and his legs gave out, and he slumped to the floor. 

When he'd got enough breath back from running, he found that he had brought himself back near the clearing where he had first met Jamie. And that was enough to finally break him. He screamed out Jack's name, and didn't stop until his voice gave out. When that happened he just sat trembling, his knife paused over his wrist, gazing blankly into his own personal hell, tears spilling unchecked.

He was so far gone he didn't notice footsteps approaching.