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April 28th, 2008

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville

Becky's KKBB Jack

The Doctor wasn't sure what was quite up with the Master, except that he was off. Then the Master suggested a round of fencing, out of the blue.

Here they were in a out of way clearing outside of town. Blood pumping, and swords flying. The Doctor was overall better fencer. Always had been. There was a special intensity to the Master right now that turned the round in his favor for a bit, and that was exhilarating. They were having fun. But then the Doctor turned it back around, and raw need flared out of the Master's eyes. This wasn't just fun exercise, he realized, all of the sudden.

Which is why he was holding the tip of his sword to the Master's throat, saying, in a commanding tone, "I win."

The Master's eyes were bright. "Yes, you do."

"Kneel, and use my name." The Doctor ordered. Absolutely reversing roles, knowing it, and getting turned on.

The Master slowly did so, looking relieved, and pleased. "You win, Doctor," he answered. Sounding both aroused, and. Happy.

The Doctor had no idea was at the root of this scene, but he was sure he'd played it out the Master had wanted him to so far.

[info]not_abandoned in [info]whoville

Becky's Crazy!Ten - finished

Jack hadn't really expected to bump into the Doctor again so soon, but when he came across him sitting all alone outside a cafe he sighed, swallowed the last of the burger he'd been eating, and pulled out the chair opposite him.

"Hey," he said, sitting down with a faint, apologetic grin.

[info]romanathesecond in [info]whoville

Becky's Former Mr. Smith Ten

Romana was headed towards the library to return a book, and pick out some new ones, when she spotted the Doctor from behind. A Doctor, at least, the tall thin incarnation in the suite, that seemed to correspond with after the war. Well, she could try to talk to him without the ghost effect. She hurried to come up beside him, and tilted her head back to beam up at him. "Hello, Doctor," she said, in fairly good cheer.

[info]goodlittlegirl in [info]whoville

Lis' Doctor - finished

Continued from here.

Being a sensible girl, Lucy soon recovered enough presence of mind to move away from the doorway of the office. She wanted to get as far away from the Master as possible.

She pushed away from the door and stumbled down the street, blindly just trying to get away.

Hardly surprising that she bumped straight into someone coming from the other direction.

"Sorry!" she gasped, automatically veering to the side to just continue on her way.

[info]oldmanmethos in [info]whoville

Any Jack

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Methos drew in a deep breath, looking up at the sky a moment. Clear, pale sky, like every day he'd been here last time. Not particularly appealing, in his current mood. He snorted, walking away from the little Egytian beer-house that he'd ducked into again that morning for a nearly-forgotten breakfast and beer.

He wandered down the street, humming a little ditty to himself, peering into the shops as he went. Nothing interesting... well, unless you counted people reflected in the window. He raised an eyebrow slightly, turning around slowly, hands still in his pockets.

"Captain Harkness," he said evenly, a small half-smile on his face.