April 2010



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April 22nd, 2008

[info]lt_to_chaos in [info]whoville

Becky's KKBB Jack (Finished)

Jack wandered, letting his feet go on automatic as he turned the conversation with the Master - a Master he wasn't sure was as sane as he appeared - over and over in his head. Glancing up, he spotted what looked like a familiar facade, raising an eyebrow at finding the house here, before shrugging, and heading up the steps.

It was liking stepping back in time, and Jack paused, reaching out a hand to rest on the rail for the stairs, absently curling his fingers around it as he looked around the entrance. All too familiar, the house where he'd often retreated - a sanctuary from the Master in that first decade, a place where he could sort out his thoughts and feelings from the first time he'd set foot in its doors.

"Appropriate," he murmured, letting go of the rail, and heading for the library, fingers trailing over the spines of the books. Still everything as he remembered from the late nineteenth century, out of step with most of the rest of what he'd seen here.

He was engrossed enough in his study of the place that he didn't notice someone else come in until a board creaked under them, and he spun, Glock out and aimed, ready to fire as soon as he was given an excuse to do so.

[info]not_abandoned in [info]whoville

Lis' Master - finished

Jack had found another TARDIS. He examined it from the outside for a bit but it looked - and felt - incredibly like his Doctor's.

He gave up and knocked on the door. If no-one was in, he might just consider seeing if his key worked...

[info]tenthdoc in [info]whoville

Open (Theta) - finished

Wandering the park, the Doctor had found a round pond with a fountain that he'd swear hadn't been there before. Since it was rather hot today, he'd taken off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trousers and was sitting on the low wall with his feet in the water, kicking and splashing a bit and idly watching the water from the fountain sparkling in the sun.

[info]themaster in [info]whoville

Open (Jamie) - finished

The Master was walking randomly a way from the town, following footpaths and crossing open patches of grass, lost in thought about alternative universes and possibilities and what to do when he eventually went home. If he ever did.

[info]capnjohnhart in [info]whoville

Open (Anna's Ten)-Finished

John was thrown to the ground unceremoniously by his landing. He got up and started dusting himself down. He looked up, squinting against the light. Seemingly he was in some sort of open plaza of a town. He tapped at his wrist strap, attempting to get some sort of idea about where he was, but it didn't want to play. He shook his wrist, and put the strap to his ear. Nothing useful. The Rift energy signature that he'd been using had seemingly disappeared too. Typical. Those things were always far too volatile to travel accurately by.


This definitely didn't look like the Cardiff that he was expecting to land in. Damn. He rolled his head back on his shoulders, earning a satisfying click. 

He stuck his tongue out, there was an odd tingle in the air he couldn't quite place. Not instantly recognizable as Earth anyway. This place felt like it crackled. Interesting. Maybe he'd stick around here for a bit after all, Cardiff could wait. This place could prove to be useful, and John was never one to turn down a challenge. Now, priorities. Ah, he could see someone walking across from him. He whistled loudly to catch their attention.

"''Cuse me mate, don't suppose you'd know where a guy could get a decent drink round here, would you?"