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April 20th, 2008

[info]romanathesecond in [info]whoville

Anna's Lucy

Another day, another meal in the - what sort of felt like a sun. Romana looked up to see a young woman settling a table over.

"Pardon my forwardness," she called out, "But there are so many men about. And so few of us. Would you mind joining me, so that we may despair of their ways?"

She didn't usually give one damn about who anyone's gender was. Except, as she'd told the Doctor, the imbalance was interesting. And Doctors kept making such a fuss about it. So, she was annoyed. And curious who this woman was.

[info]on_coming_storm in [info]whoville

Lis' Ten.

"Oh, I am all over the place aren't I?" he asked, when he spotted a very familiar face on the street. He approached casually, hands in his pockets. "More Time Lords in one place since Gallifrey, and most of them me. That's just asking for trouble."

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Anna's Ten

Jack had napped. Then he'd left the TARDIS for the hotel.

He got a cup of coffee and glanced around the dining room, while he was pouring. It didn't take him long to grab a cup of tea to go with his coffee, and walk over to the Doctor. He put both cups on the table and sat. "Hi. I'm wrong and you're the Doctor. Let's talk."

[info]my_captain in [info]whoville


"You know, this would be a damned sight less complicated if I knew when he came from," Jack sighed, "You seen anyone named Jamie? American-tinged Welsh accent and big ears?"

Well. The ears carried through.