April 2010



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April 17th, 2008

[info]ex_captainha594 in [info]whoville

Lis' Master

Jack was alone when he woke up. No surprise there; he'd have expected it even without the Doctor's warning. Once he was awake he didn't hang around waiting, and he didn't go looking for the Doctor. Instead, he pulled on his pants, socks and overshirt and went looking for the kitchen, and coffee.

It took him a little bit, but even so he was more asleep than awake when he did. He yawned, ran a hand through his hair and started poking through cabinets, looking for something caffeinated while the water was heating. When he heard someone behind him he turned around, and, well, yawned in the Master's face.

He was really not entirely awake yet.

"Morning," he mumbled, lazily and just a little carefully.

[info]lt_to_chaos in [info]whoville

Anna's Master (Finished)

Cut for length )

Jack sighed, pulling on a t-shirt and trousers he'd picked up while waiting for his jacket to be tailored before the party, and headed for the door. He'd find coffee downstairs, before the Master decided that he really would insist on Jack staying in the room all day.

As he stepped out of the lift into the lobby, he sighed, spotting another of the Master near the dining room. Well, at least he knew it wasn't his Master - the suit rather gave it away. Though with no rose, he doubted it was the sane one he'd first run into, either.

"Master," he greeted cautiously as he got closer, giving him a small smile.

[info]my_captain in [info]whoville


Jack's sleeves were rolled up, his coat and jacket on the couch behind him. He tapped his wristband with a frown, staring between a picture of himself on the screen and the stuffed bunny in a cage transmitting the image.

"Well. That's... Odd."

[info]general_support in [info]whoville


Ianto chewed his bottom lip slowly as he read the newspaper. A newspaper dated 2012, detailing a meteor strike.

There were a stack of newspapers from various years and centuries- all post 2009- and a pad of paper with Ianto's neat handwriting covering pages on pages beside Ianto.

[info]ex_ninth542 in [info]whoville

Lis's Master

The Doctor looked the Master up and down for a moment before turning around and stepping into pace with him, heading back the way he'd come from to walk with the Master. He asked curiously, "Are you one of the nutters?"

[info]the_professor in [info]whoville

Karen's Jack

Yana wandered into the hotel lobby from outside, bored half out of his mind and tired of walking. He was thinking about finding something to eat, and oh, about three other things besides, and almost bumped into an unfamiliar man when he turned a corner.

"Pardon me. Bit lost in thought."

[info]981 in [info]whoville


Yawning, Lane made his way back toward Spike's room with a tray of coffee cups. His sleep patterns didn't know which way was up anymore, though he seemed to be aligning himself with sleeping during the day lately.
So not that far off normal, then. Breakfast in late afternoon wasn't uncommon back home.

Balancing the tray on one palm, he opened the door and pushed through, careful not to spill any coffee - or blood.