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February 29th, 2008

[info]981 in [info]whoville


With a cup of coffee and a restless feeling in his gut, Lane had wandered away from the main dining hall and down one of the darkened corridors. Trailing his fingers along the rough wallpaper, he saw that it dead-ended into a set of wide polished wooden doors marked "Grand Ballroom."

Pushing open one heavy door, he walked inside and took a look around. There were mirrors everywhere, the dim light from high windows reflecting an eerie glow to the mix of shapes and hues echoed throughout the dark, quiet ballroom.

He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and an instant reflex had him edging in defense before he'd fully recognized it as his own shadowed reflection. Feeling foolish, he shook his head and wondered if a nice long run would do anything to settle his nerves. Sometimes there was nothing better for the spirit than to pound it into submission with a few miles of good old-fashioned physical exertion.

[info]harriet_1918 in [info]whoville


Harriet was restless. It had been a long time since she had had an opportunity to do nothing and it was taking some adjustment. For the moment, she was wandering along the streets with a book in her hand; something which she had never heard of but seemed utterly fascinating.

She wasn't really paying much attention, then, and only caught sight of a person in front of her a second before almost bumping into them. She had to do a quick side step and instantly lowered the book, eyes wide. "Oh, I'm really very sorry," she said. "I'm afraid I should pay more attention when I'm walking."

[info]tenthdoc in [info]whoville

John Smith (Becky) - finished

The Doctor spent most of his morning in the room he'd arrived in, walking in and out of the wardrobe in the hope that it might send him back home.

Eventually, he gave up in disgust, went downstairs, picked up an apple from the dining room and wandered out into the street, munching.

He hadn't got far before he saw a very familiar face coming towards him. "Ah! You must be the elusive other me!" he exclaimed jovially, ambling forwards.