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January 20th, 2008

[info]rhiastclaire in [info]whoville


Rhia darted through the door as soon as there was enough room to do so, calling out cheerfully, "Uncle Jack!"

Only to skid to a stop, rolling her eyes at the wooded area she'd ended up in instead.

"Oh, very funny Gran, Uncle Jack's so going to have a fit at you." She paused, waiting for a long moment, the grin on her face fading as there was no response. "Gran?" Nothing. "Dad, there's something...." She stopped, staring over her shoulder at more woodland, and no door, no dad, no mom, nothing but more of the same trees as in front of her.

"This isn't funny. Uncle Jack? Dad, mom? Gran? Anyone?" She bit her lower lip a moment, reaching into her pocket to curl a hand around the book of photos there. "Dad? Uncle Jack? Doctor? Please, guys, this isn't funny anymore, you can come out now. Really."

[info]ex_sallyspar442 in [info]whoville


After getting her bearings somewhat, Sally had realised it had been a while since she slept and found herself a room to curl up in for a while. She woke in daylight, not knowing how long she'd been asleep. After a quick shower to wake herself up, she dressed and headed down to the restaurant. She hadn't noticed the robot waiters in there before, so she was a bit too startled and fascinated by them to notice much else in the restaurant and just grabbed a quick and solitary breakfast before heading out to the hotel lobby with the intention of exploring. Fresh air and a walk would be nice, as would clean clothes if she could find any.

The lobby wasn't deserted, Sally noted a few people milling around or sitting talking or reading and briefly contemplated approaching someone, but the lure of exploring for herself was stronger and she stepped outside, blinking a little at the light and trying to take in the strangeness of her surroundings. She didn't know how long she stood just outside the door, looking around, but suddenly someone else almost walked straight into the back of her. She turned, startled, and uttered a flustered apology.

"Sorry, I haven't been here long and this is the first time I've seen outside the hotel. Are you all right?"

[info]themasterreborn in [info]whoville


This was already one of those days he wished the Doctor were here to deal with some of the details. Namely the Doctor's favorite humans running amok. Instead, here he was, in his office, rolling his eyes as Harkness blathered about civilians interfering with his investigation.

"Civilian or not, Ms. Smith has been doing this longer you have, in her own way. She's a very old friend of our Dr. Smith's. So he'd be very distressed if anything happened to her, and if that's not enough motivation for you, I'd be very annoyed. Make use of her expertise, and get back to me when something actually interesting comes up. Understood? Oh, and word to the wise, she's not going to be impressed by your trademark smile and handshake."

Hmm, maybe he shouldn't have added that last bit. The image of Jack getting slapped for flirting, that was a good one. Well, he didn't think Jack knew that the Doctor had a long habit of charming humans into traveling with him, which Jack was just the last in a long line of. That revelation ought to give the dear Captain something to chew on for a while.

The Master leaned back in his chair, after he'd hung up. Oh, he couldn't deal with reports and phone calls today! He needed to do something to do with his hands. A puzzle to solve. Maybe the labs had had something interesting dropped on them. He opened the door to leave his office and...

Open street. Ok. Not what should be on the other side. He turned around. Street in every direction. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. No signal, which should never ever happen. So, he was minus a TARDIS or a working way to communicate with the Doctor. Ok, no need to panic. He was a genuis, and he had asked for a puzzle, after all!

He strolled along, looking for some indication of when and where he was. He kept his hands in his jacket pockets, so he could reach his laser screwdriver easily, if he needed to.

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville

Becky's Ten (finished)

Earlier, he's wanted to avoid this alternate him, who came out of the war alone and was possibly mad. Now he was looking for him.

He really couldn't fathom what this other Doctor thought he was playing at, feeding Yana little snippets of information about Time Lords, getting rid of the drums, and then not opening the watch. Was he in love with his own misery? Did he enjoy the thought of the Master trapped in a watch, doomed to an incorporeal prison if his aged human body died?

The Doctor knew, in the back of his mind, that it was never smart, to go looking for someone when he was so angry. He tried to tell himself that he was leaving it to chance, whether he walked off his anger or found himself first.

Yeah, that was the ticket. He was just...going for walk. Oh, wait, that suit over there looked awfully familiar.

[info]ibringlife in [info]whoville


"I just want to go home," Rose groaned, not even looking at who she was sitting down next to as she frankly flopped down.

[info]half_human in [info]whoville


"So, I'm the worst liar ever," Jamie said conversationally at the bar, "It's kind of sad, actually. I really should have better skills. Maybe it's this mouth. Nothing but truth and justice and that rot. What do you think? Is this a non-lying face? Or do I just need practice?"