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January 14th, 2008

[info]bravernow in [info]whoville

Open to Any Owen

Gwen had told Koschei that she'd think on his offer. Considering she had spent her first night in her hotel room, awake with her gun resting in her lap, she was pretty sure that it was time to accept the offer. She sighed softly as she laid out on her bed. She was pretty sure that it was a move that was frowned on but she was just so tired. Resting her hands under her cheek, she tucked her legs in close, mindful of her gun and that she had at least one escape route.

The soldiers were coming. She could hear the sounds of their boots on the pavement. "Tosh, we have to go," she urged as she lifted the little girl up on her hip "They're coming."

Tosh nodded as she finished up closing down the computer system. It was common practice for them to wipe out any CCTV records of what they were doing. "Coming. Go on, I'm right behind you"

Gwen had urged the people they were moving to run before turning back to see the Soldiers. Tosh was just exiting the building. "TOSH! RUN!" yelled Gwen. It would be a moment that she'd feel guilt over for weeks after.

She and Tosh had exchanged fire with the soldiers. Gunshots always brought the Toclafane. "Gwen! Run!" yelled Tosh as they closed in.

She ran. Turning only to watch the attack.


Gwen woke with a start, biting her lip to stifle the screams that rose to her lips. The sobs came next. The tears she had been keeping from Ianto and Owen. They weren't there to see it, she was alone. What did it matter now?

[info]neverthelast in [info]whoville


He was beginning to think that this nexus was just a natural phenomenon, although a very weird one. In which case, he probably would just have to sit tight and wait until he was sent home. Waiting was never his strong suit. He always fidgeted too much. Being stuck in one place and time made it worse. He'd think too much about what he could be missing. And what could be going wrong elsewhere while he waited.

The Master was the one who could stay in one place for months on end, all in anticipation of the grand finale of his latest scheme. Although, the Master was prone to taking short cuts without considering the consequences he didn't intend. The Master was probably doing that back in 2007 right now because he wasn't there to tell him what an idiot he is, the Doctor thought with a mixture of fondness and worry. Oh, he was starting in on the worrying already wasn't he?

Well, the easiest way to distract himself was to find someone else interesting to talk to. There was no telling who he would run into next, here! Maybe he should head towards the hotel down the street? There was bound to be people there, and, somehow, sleeping in the TARDIS didn't seem very appealing this evening.