December 2008




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Sep. 23rd, 2008


*arrives at the Palace in Tirion via the Eönwë express for her scheduled visit*

*hasn't set foot outside of Ilmarin for months and months, not since before Laurëanna was born, and didn't realize until this very moment how much she's been looking forward to this trip* :))

*also, has something of a surprise for Arafinwë and his family!*

*bounces her (much bigger) daughter on her hip (oof, definitely not a baby anymore) and smiles at her* We're going to meet your almost Grandfather and uncles, isn't that lovely, sweetheart? They'll be so happy to see how much you've grown! Maybe!

Sep. 10th, 2008


*out of the blue, sends her brother a brief letter from Lórien, asking him to come visit her there*

Jul. 16th, 2008


*is hard at work in his office, as usual, when a messenger arrives with a post from Ilmarin* :?

*opens it and reads* *...* *smiles gently and writes up a quick reply, sealing it and handing it back to the messenger with a word of thanks*

*immediately afterward, rings for his pages and soon has them running off with instructions for various staff members to begin preparations*


*sends for his eldest*

Jul. 10th, 2008


*has been avoiding Finrod ever since dropping that bombshell*

*not deliberately avoiding [no of course not] but more on a subconscious level [that sounds better]*

*has a lot of work to do, after all* >_>

*eventually starts to worry about Amarië and how she probably doesn't know that her fiancé's back and is a woman again*

*is not planning to volunteer to tell her, but knows he should--kind of doubts Finrod would be up to it*


Jun. 17th, 2008


*sits at one of the back corner tables in the Palace library, surrounded by countless stacks of newspapers*

*has been reading for hours and hours and hours in an attempt to catch up on recent history*

*skims the articles dealing with her (his) own funeral* :(

*presses her lips together when she comes across the mentions of Ingil and Falathar being injured* *has to wonder why the references to the former are so vague, though*

*sets the Ring of Doom coverage pieces aside for closer perusal later*

*smiles to learn that the Music and Poetry Festival did indeed go off as planned* *flushes a bit when she discovers that the main prize at the Festival was named for her*

*is saddened, if not at all surprised, to see the reports of Ereinion's mysterious drowning (suicide?) and Dior's subsequent death (also a suicide?)* *pond of Doom, indeed*

. . .

*nears the end of the paper trail and realizes, with a start, that she has been unconsciously looking for one name in particular--and hasn't seen it even once*

*can't begin to contemplate what that might mean*

May. 27th, 2008


*has been alive for all of a week, and has already had a request for help* *is all-too-pleased to be of service, of course (and not just because fulfilling that request will provide a welcome distraction in the days ahead)*

*assures Ulfang and Erestor that she will make arrangements and contact them when everything is ready* *borrows a hooded cloak (doesn't want the media to jump on her right away) before setting off for Tirion*

*arrives in the city and decides to make a stop on her way to the Palace* *is not stalling, honest*

ETA: *leaves Bëor's after a bit of shop-talk and finally makes her way up to the Palace*

Apr. 28th, 2008


*has been in labor forever six hours already*

*is fairly sure that's unnatural* *or if it isn't? it should be*

*is trying very, very hard not to panic* *has been assured that the birth is proceeding normally, the baby sounds healthy (and not monstrous), and that she'll be meeting her daughter soon*

*squeezes the nearest hand tightly as she rides out the strongest contraction yet, repeating the words like a mantra* She's my daughter, she's my daughter, I'll be meeting my daughter soon, oh OWW isitoveryet... X(

Apr. 17th, 2008


*decides it's about time that he made his way to the Palace*

*gets shown to the reception area and asks if he can see Finarfin and OME of course not, one does not just walk in and see the High-king, but if he'd like to wait for a day or two while, he might be able to see the king's assistant*

*asks who might that be?*



*oh swell* :s

Mar. 25th, 2008


*is really quite pregnant* *has a very round middle, reams of verse and bruised innards to show for it* :)

*spends most of her days in the sunshine, reading and writing and humming* *has continued to catch up on her history, and is amazed at some of the things her beloved's kin accomplished in Beleriand!*

*hasn't reached that chapter just yet, though* *might be putting it off a bit*

*has been thinking a lot about Nienna's offer, as well* :/


*would really love some company right about now*

Feb. 24th, 2008


*writes up a report from his notes on the Ring of Doom session and brings it around to his father's office in spite of having a slight impression that it's not really complete*

Feb. 14th, 2008


*Arrives at the Ring of Doom so he can get the latest meeting underway.*

*Manifests in time to catch Ulmo and Erinti in mid-conflab, looking for all the world like they're conspiring about something.* ¬_¬

*Settles down in his throne and gives the agenda a last look over.*

Jan. 29th, 2008


*really has not been all right since his father told him the Valar were going to put his mother in the Void* :((

*has completely distanced himself from family and friends and has taken to spending all of his time spray painting 'MANWË SUCKS DRAGON BALLS' and similar anti-Valar slogans throughout Tirion*

*so THERE*



*is just about ready to leave Lórien when he hears that Amarië has been admitted* :? :s

*finds out which bower she's in and makes his way there*

Jan. 20th, 2008


*has been feeling a little peculiar over the past few days, but is chalking it down to all of the emotional upheaval* :(

*is dressing one morning and discovers that her clothes aren't quite fitting correctly, and her silhouette seems to have changed just slightly* *can't imagine why--hasn't been drowning her sorrows in chocolate much* :? :s

*finishes making some minor adjustments to the ties in the back and heads to Lórien to visit Artaher and Ingil*

*stops by Artaher's bower first*

Jan. 14th, 2008


*has by now regained consciousness, and also heard about the impending funeral*

*cannot bring himself to even try to get out of his bed* :(

Jan. 12th, 2008


*has been in a daze* *a daze punctuated by bouts of hysterical sobbing and clinging to whatever family member is closest* *yes, even her mother* :(

*finds herself sitting by Artaher's bedside, numbly watching him sleep*


Jan. 9th, 2008


*Saunters around the up-market end of Tirion's business district, so she can investigate this phenomenon known as "post Manwëmas sales."*

*Seeing as her father's festival has resulted in bargain after bargain, decides that father must a be benevolent deity indeed.*

*Suddenly stops in her tracks when she hears something horrible.*

*Drops her shopping and heads towards the source of the Discord.*

*Stops by the palace gates and speaks to the guards in a tone that implies the valie will brook no argument.*

Let me in.

Edit: *Contacts her father for advice/help/comfort/all of the above while she faces off against Melkor.*

*Is not scared, is not scared. Much</small.*

Jan. 7th, 2008


*has by now returned to the Palace*

*is really starting to feel the pain of being crammed into such a small body* *rather likes the taste of blood, generally, but coughing it up is highly unpleasant* >.<

*on the plus side, feels quite ready to re-manifest His fana* \:D/

*has a little business to take care of before He does so, though*

*purposefully makes His way toward the administrative wing*

Dec. 26th, 2007


*is well and truly bewildered*

*doesn't think he's ever seen Finrod quite so...frosty* :? :/

*perches on a balcony overlooking the Palace's eastern wing, watching the Sun rise*
