December 2008




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May. 23rd, 2008


*with no clear purpose, wanders slowly through Tirion as if in a daze; the shininess of the city only slightly dimmed by the dark blanket of night-time*

*casts his eyes left and right, absorbing his surroundings in only the most cursory of manners until his gaze rests on a sign*


*stares fixedly at it for a long moment before finally approaching and raising his hand to knock tentatively* Nothing

*knocks a little harder and waits* Still nothing

*tries the handle* Locked

. . .

*with a sudden feeling of irrational desperation, begins to pick the lock*

[EDIT] *storms back outside and walks quickly away from his father's office*

*finds himself in front of the library (when he's calm enough to actually notice) and sinks down onto a stone wall, waiting for morning to come*

*eventually eschews that notion in favor of the pub next door and the numbness a drink or six will bring*

Apr. 30th, 2008


*sits by the duck pond in the park, a newspaper (liberated from a trash can) spread out on the bench beside him, and sighs over the rumors headline*

What drove you to this, my Lord? Would that I were so brave... but no, I take the coward's way and slowly drown myself from the inside out.

*takes a drink from his bottle and contemplates the water as gradually his out-of-focus eyes begin to focus on something unnatural floating by the shore*

*stands unsteadily and wades in, confirming his suspicions* :( *brushes the wet hair from the face and recognizes the features surprisingly enough* O my King--not you as well? *wonders if it's a trend*

*suddenly has a sense of a malevolent? presence behind him and turns to find a pair of creepy beady eyes watching his every move*

. . .

*begins to suspect Fowl Play*

Apr. 7th, 2008


*has a very dead Elf to tend to* :(

*places Ereinion in a back room and cleans him up as best he can, covering him with a white sheet afterwards*

*emerges after a time with his collar undone and his sleeves rolled up, looking worn*

*meets Elendil's eyes* I've done what I can do. If you'd like to go back and be alone with him for a while, by all means do so, but I expect his family will be here fairly soon. Can I get you some coffee in the meantime?

Apr. 3rd, 2008


*runs to the pub, as VĂ«antur directed, trying not to cry*

*bursts in* Please, please, it's my brother. I think he's dead. He...he... he's dead.

Mar. 12th, 2008


*as the night grows ever later, wanders around the festival grounds*

*finally, as the music takes on a more mellow timbre, beneath the stars, stands on the very edge of the dance area and watches the various dancers, smiling slightly to herself*

Feb. 7th, 2008


*A lone figure is seen coming down the road into Tirion... drunk as a skunk*

Gods, I fucking hate this place

Jan. 2nd, 2008


*is in the middle of a long-distance conversation with Ingil, which suddenly stops*

*gets bored and a little irritated while waiting for Ingil to tune back in before suddenly getting the sensation of raucous, discordant feedback in his brain*

Ingil? Ingil? INGIL?

*closes his eyes and takes a deep, calm breath*

*demanifests to the skies in a flash of blinding, brilliant light and looks down on Tirion*

*zeroes in on Ingil's position and without panicking or making any fuss, appears to draw all of the remaining light in the sky into his own constellation before drawing in the darkness too* *explodes in a second, much brighter flash and remanifests by Ingil's side*

[edit] *leaves Ingil with Arien and demanifests again* *doesn't ascend as high as the sky* *moves rapidly through the streets of Tirion, like a maelstrom of starlight, becoming angrier and angrier*

*sends out a warning to any Evil Ainur who might be tuned in* If. He. Dies. YOU WILL DIE.

Dec. 26th, 2007


*finally gets home from the reception*

*has an horrendous backache, along with sore feet and a bit of a headache*

*settles herself on the couch*

*instantly decides that was a mistake, because despite her longing for tea, she's definitely not getting up again*