December 2008




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May. 4th, 2008


*is party of the happy party walking out of town to the talan with Lindorië holding his arm the whole way :>*

*is painfully aware of a pair of eyes boring into the back of his skull the whole way, not to mention Ariel's uncharacteristic silence*

*stops when they reach the base of the tree*

*doffs an imaginary hat to Lindórië* I believe this is your stop, ma'am.

Mar. 9th, 2008


*feels a little twitchy after the main competition*

*once the various awards for solo singing, choral singing, under-eight singing and poetry have been distributed, bounds out onto the stage*

*clears her throat* I know that music is serious business and, like, so is Music but, whaddaya say to a little fun?

*launches into song*


*follows Maglor on the main stage, determined to keep up the lesson the Music Is Serious Business*

*looks out over the crowd and sees her husband/ex-husband person*

*feels a strong pang of rage as she begins to sing.*

*uses it!*


*Takes his turn on the main stage, being determined to remind people that music is Serious Business after the debacle of Turco's performance.*

*Looks out over the crowd before he starts and thinks he sees someone who looks like Dior.*

*Feels a strong pang of guilt as he begins to sing.*

*Uses it!*

Mar. 7th, 2008


*Hobbles up to the main stage (on crutches) to take part in the competition.*

*ahem* Me-mee-meeeeEEEeeEEe.


Mar. 5th, 2008


*Arrives at the festival ground with his family, Amillo and various elvish guests.*

*Figures since he's not compering this year, courtesy of his daughter, he can concentrate on more important matters.*

*Beckons to the vanyar and claps his hands*

Okay people, this year is going to be different, we are not going to draw with those soggy little buggers, we're going to WIN! Just focus a little and DEAR SWEET ERU, WHY ARE YOU NAKED?

Jan. 14th, 2008


*takes his new books to the pub and finds himself a corner, near an open fire*

*orders lunch and is soon engrossed in trying to wrap his head around a history of Elvish music and its Ainurin influences*

Dec. 23rd, 2007


*slips out at the end of the wedding to make sure that everything is in place for the reception*

*has arranged for a marquee to be erected in a nearby cove, complete with a bar at one end, manned by various staff members from the pub*

*oh, and mini-pizzas*