December 2008




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Sep. 23rd, 2008


*arrives at the Palace in Tirion via the Eönwë express for her scheduled visit*

*hasn't set foot outside of Ilmarin for months and months, not since before Laurëanna was born, and didn't realize until this very moment how much she's been looking forward to this trip* :))

*also, has something of a surprise for Arafinwë and his family!*

*bounces her (much bigger) daughter on her hip (oof, definitely not a baby anymore) and smiles at her* We're going to meet your almost Grandfather and uncles, isn't that lovely, sweetheart? They'll be so happy to see how much you've grown! Maybe!

Jul. 13th, 2008


*takes a walk with a fed and napped (and therefore content) Laurëanna in her arms, singing softly as she goes*

*makes her way through the by-now oft-traveled corridors and visits her favorite courtyard, gravitating to the fountain as usual*

*takes a seat on the ledge and rearranges her skirts before settling her daughter in her lap*

*gazes into the water for a while, absently keeping 'Anna entertained with her shiny little rattler*

*slowly comes to a decision*

Jun. 21st, 2008


*sits in her rocker out on the nursery balcony, dreaming lightly while Laurëanna nurses*

*is tired (those multiple night feedings take their toll), but otherwise? could be considered content*

Jun. 10th, 2008


*is awakened in the night by the terrific thunderstorm rattling the windows of her nursery*

*listens raptly to the rain and thunder* *positively wriggles with glee at the Musical tumult* :D

*squeals in babyish approval, adding her own chiming little song to the clamor*

May. 21st, 2008


*collects Laurëanna and heads out for a walk around one of Ilmarin's courtyards, humming and talking softly to her new baby all the while*

Mm, smell those flowers, little one? You're lucky you were born in the spring... the first things you get to see are the sunshine and all of the new things growing... oh, there's a fountain, why don't we go sit there for a bit?

*smiles, albeit a little sadly, as she carefully takes a seat* Your... father? sort of? except not really... well, someone your mother loved, anyway... he always liked fountains. *with a brighter smile* Perhaps you will, too.

Apr. 28th, 2008


*has been in labor forever six hours already*

*is fairly sure that's unnatural* *or if it isn't? it should be*

*is trying very, very hard not to panic* *has been assured that the birth is proceeding normally, the baby sounds healthy (and not monstrous), and that she'll be meeting her daughter soon*

*squeezes the nearest hand tightly as she rides out the strongest contraction yet, repeating the words like a mantra* She's my daughter, she's my daughter, I'll be meeting my daughter soon, oh OWW isitoveryet... X(