December 2008




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May. 26th, 2008


*takes advantage of the Spring sunshine and a lull in the angst to nap in a hammock out in the front yard and get some use out of this icon before his fickle mun turns him back into a girl*

*is almost feeling quite content*

*enjoys it while it lasts*

Feb. 21st, 2008


*Rides out of the Easterling camp with Pharazôn and Barahir.*

*Chatters away nineteen to the dozen with the latter.*

So anyway you left and we didn't know WHERE you'd gone so then me and some of the other gels said, well, we're not waiting around to get murdered in our beds by orcs so I said, right, let's arm ourselves, how hard can it be, the pointy bit goes in the orc and I decided to lead them off to somewhere safer. Well, it wasn't very safe on the road because there were orcs and Easterlings EVERYWHERE and some of us got lost, or killed, or wounded, or sick or lost and killed and wounded but eventually I got to Brethil? And Haleth gave us sanctuary there just before she died. Haleth's been rehoused too, she's a lovely gel.

Anyhoo, I wake here and gadzooks, would you believe it, mortals get a second roll of the dice too, never thought I'd see the day, so anyway, rehousing or no, I needed a job and Pharazôn over there obliged. At first I thought he wanted me to baby-sit his boy but no, it wasn't really like that, I was more like an armed to the teeth nanny of doom, and besides, it turned out the little chap did need some hard-core protecting because Sauron does NOT get on with the Boss at ALL

So that's what I've been up to, it's been fine and dandy all told, until Boss decided to make me ambassador to the Easterlings, we have a treaty with them now and let me tell you, they're a stubborn lot, don't like women at all, it's dashed silly if you ask me but no one ever does.

And then I find out that Beren has been rehoused too! Only he's a gel. That happens sometimes, chaps come back as gels, gels come back as chaps, chaps come back as chaps but then turn into gels. I was half expecting you to come back as a gel for a while there but you're a chap so it's all good...

Feb. 15th, 2008


*Gets a somewhat garbled message from an Easterling runner.*

*Something about a beheading, Emeldir and a scruffy Dunadan who calls her "baby."*

*Gathers together a small escort and follows the messenger back to the camp.*

*Calls out from horseback.* Gentlemen! What seems to be the trouble?

Feb. 10th, 2008


*Hears through the grapevine that a Dunadan is being held prisoner in the encampment.*

Uldor. ULDOR! You can't just imprison, try and execute one of our chaps like this you know. There are rules, treaties and and...stuff to do with extradition which I don't completely understand but I think the Boss does and I KNOW the boss' dad does. You can't be judge, jury and executioner, it's not cricket.

We're uhm...*checks a word she has written on the back of her hand*...CONTESTING this in the strongest possible terms.

Feb. 5th, 2008


*lifts a hand to touch the back of his head as he slowly regains consciousness and winces as his fingers come into contact with a lump the size of a chicken egg*

Attacking an Easterling camp when they've got fifty guys and you've got no one but yourself? Definitely not the brightest idea you've ever had, Barry old son.

Well... make that forty-seven guys, now. >:D

*squints, peering around at the cage he's presently confined in*

...And probably one less of me pretty soon, too. :s
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