December 2008




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Sep. 23rd, 2008


*arrives at the Palace in Tirion via the Eönwë express for her scheduled visit*

*hasn't set foot outside of Ilmarin for months and months, not since before Laurëanna was born, and didn't realize until this very moment how much she's been looking forward to this trip* :))

*also, has something of a surprise for Arafinwë and his family!*

*bounces her (much bigger) daughter on her hip (oof, definitely not a baby anymore) and smiles at her* We're going to meet your almost Grandfather and uncles, isn't that lovely, sweetheart? They'll be so happy to see how much you've grown! Maybe!

Jul. 13th, 2008


*takes a walk with a fed and napped (and therefore content) Laurëanna in her arms, singing softly as she goes*

*makes her way through the by-now oft-traveled corridors and visits her favorite courtyard, gravitating to the fountain as usual*

*takes a seat on the ledge and rearranges her skirts before settling her daughter in her lap*

*gazes into the water for a while, absently keeping 'Anna entertained with her shiny little rattler*

*slowly comes to a decision*

Jun. 21st, 2008


*sits in her rocker out on the nursery balcony, dreaming lightly while Laurëanna nurses*

*is tired (those multiple night feedings take their toll), but otherwise? could be considered content*

Jun. 10th, 2008


*is awakened in the night by the terrific thunderstorm rattling the windows of her nursery*

*listens raptly to the rain and thunder* *positively wriggles with glee at the Musical tumult* :D

*squeals in babyish approval, adding her own chiming little song to the clamor*

May. 21st, 2008


*collects Laurëanna and heads out for a walk around one of Ilmarin's courtyards, humming and talking softly to her new baby all the while*

Mm, smell those flowers, little one? You're lucky you were born in the spring... the first things you get to see are the sunshine and all of the new things growing... oh, there's a fountain, why don't we go sit there for a bit?

*smiles, albeit a little sadly, as she carefully takes a seat* Your... father? sort of? except not really... well, someone your mother loved, anyway... he always liked fountains. *with a brighter smile* Perhaps you will, too.

Apr. 28th, 2008


*has been in labor forever six hours already*

*is fairly sure that's unnatural* *or if it isn't? it should be*

*is trying very, very hard not to panic* *has been assured that the birth is proceeding normally, the baby sounds healthy (and not monstrous), and that she'll be meeting her daughter soon*

*squeezes the nearest hand tightly as she rides out the strongest contraction yet, repeating the words like a mantra* She's my daughter, she's my daughter, I'll be meeting my daughter soon, oh OWW isitoveryet... X(

Mar. 25th, 2008


*is really quite pregnant* *has a very round middle, reams of verse and bruised innards to show for it* :)

*spends most of her days in the sunshine, reading and writing and humming* *has continued to catch up on her history, and is amazed at some of the things her beloved's kin accomplished in Beleriand!*

*hasn't reached that chapter just yet, though* *might be putting it off a bit*

*has been thinking a lot about Nienna's offer, as well* :/


*would really love some company right about now*

Mar. 18th, 2008


*heads up to Ilmarin with Telu just as the Sun goes down, intending to check in with Ilmarë and say hello to Amarië before the night shift starts*

*asks after her sister and is told that Amarië has taken to reading out on one of the observation balconies*

*turns to her partner (in crime)* Telu, I'm gonna go give Ilmarë her stuff back *mumbles* andaskaboutsomeothergirltypestuff. *cough*

Mind heading up to see Amarië ahead of me? I'll be up in a sec.

Mar. 1st, 2008


*has been working very hard for the past few days*

*finally summons up the strength to walk all the way to the door of the guest quarters in which he has been installed for how long now?*

*makes it out to a window seat in the corridor and sits there, contemplating how he's going to get back to bed*

*decides to play it casual and doesn't make eye-contact with any passing Mánir or Súruli*

Feb. 20th, 2008


*manifests to Lórien after the meeting at Máhanaxar*

*makes her way out to the fountains to see Amarië*
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Feb. 9th, 2008


*has been slowly adjusting to life in Lórien* *doesn't even stare at the snails anymore, although the flytraps are still a little unnerving*

*asks for paper and a pen one morning, purely on a whim--and finds herself writing page after page of verse*

*pauses after a while and hesitantly lays her hand on the small, barely-there bump at her middle*

Perhaps... perhaps we'll make a poet out of you, after all.
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Jan. 29th, 2008


*is just about ready to leave Lórien when he hears that Amarië has been admitted* :? :s

*finds out which bower she's in and makes his way there*

Jan. 26th, 2008


*travels to Lórien, as soon as he gets the message about his daughter*

*doesn't arrive alone*

Jan. 20th, 2008


*has been feeling a little peculiar over the past few days, but is chalking it down to all of the emotional upheaval* :(

*is dressing one morning and discovers that her clothes aren't quite fitting correctly, and her silhouette seems to have changed just slightly* *can't imagine why--hasn't been drowning her sorrows in chocolate much* :? :s

*finishes making some minor adjustments to the ties in the back and heads to Lórien to visit Artaher and Ingil*

*stops by Artaher's bower first*

Jan. 14th, 2008


*has by now regained consciousness, and also heard about the impending funeral*

*cannot bring himself to even try to get out of his bed* :(


*probably should not be awake yet*

*definitely should not be out of bed yet*

*but has a child to bury*

*thankfully, the lady wife has been making arrangements, so all he really has to do is to make it through the funeral and accompanying ceremonies without breaking down*

*to that end, holds Eärwen's hand tightly all throughout*

Jan. 12th, 2008


*has been in a daze* *a daze punctuated by bouts of hysterical sobbing and clinging to whatever family member is closest* *yes, even her mother* :(

*finds herself sitting by Artaher's bedside, numbly watching him sleep*


Jan. 11th, 2008


*wrote reads in the paper that his half-brother has been taken to Lórien*

*is curious about his half-siblings in general and figures now, while one of them is confined to a hospital bed and therefore stationary, is as good a time as any to investigate them*

*brings his daughter to Lórien and goes looking for Ingil's bower*

*to Gwilwileth* Okay, sweetheart, you go play with the giant snails. Call me if they look at you funny, k?

*knocks on Ingil's door*

Jan. 9th, 2008


*comes to with a soft, pained gasp*

*blinks dully, realizing that for the first time in weeks, he's actually himself, in control of his body, with no foreign presence crushing him into the corner of his mind*

*makes a halfhearted attempt to move and discovers that he can't feel anything but a sharp, pulsing ache in his chest and a leaden chill everywhere else*


*closes his eyes and waits to die*

Jan. 7th, 2008


*is all out of sorts*

*spent a wonderful night with her beloved, but woke the next morning to find herself alone* :/

*on top of that, has received a note from her father informing her that her eldest brother has been injured somehow, and that the First Family is going to pretend to be a cohesive unit and visit him*

*has never met Ingil, and really doesn't know anything about him, but isn't about to turn her Daddy down*

*spruces up and heads out to the appointed meeting locale*

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