December 2008




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Sep. 18th, 2008


*goes in search of his woman common-law wife lover Significant Other Elf-lady (sigh) of Erestor, remembering her saying something about fleeing to the library*

*is not looking forward to apprising her of the gist of his conversation with his their son* :\

Sep. 11th, 2008


*stares at his reflection, aghast*

*slowly turns his head from side to side, scarcely able to believe that's his face looking back at him--his too-pretty features, his too-sharp ears, his too-pale skin*

*swears softly in his native tongue, hating the way the syllables trip so strangely (musically) off his tongue*

*grips the sheet tightly around his waist and heads to the kitchen in search of his father* *wants answers* *now*

Sep. 6th, 2008


*enjoyed the break, but is nonetheless relieved to have the boys home again* (*especially considering the whole fiasco with Lúthien's son*)

*is sitting at the kitchen table, fiddling with some beading (has taken it up again recently, having nothing better to do misses her salon ome), when she hears something a bit... unusual?*

*follows the sound into the back part of the house until she reaches 'Gil's door* *stands there listening for several minutes*

*quietly hurries off in search of Ulfang*

Aug. 13th, 2008


*is more disturbed by her conversation with Lúthien than she let on*

*knows Ulfang wasn't involved, but can't help but worry that he might end up somehow pulled into things if she asks him about it* *just wants him to have a little peace, dammit* :/

*did promise to ask, though* *and can definitely sympathize with a mother worried for her child* :(

*bribes Horus the hawk with a chunk of tenderloin and sends him off with a simple message (just in case the dumb bird delivers it to the wrong tent or something):*

Are you and 'Gil enjoying yourselves? ~E.

Aug. 10th, 2008


*decides to stop by Dior's rooms with a house-warming present (throw-pillows!) (and also the requisite basket of home-baked goods) (and some laundry detergent--just in case he doesn't have any)*

*(and a plant) (because everyone should have a plant)*

*knocks on the door and waits*

*waits some more (but not really very long) before turning to Beren*

I guess he's not in. :? :(

Jun. 26th, 2008


*has developed a fascination with the bards and buskers on various street corners in town* *is specifically interested in the travelling Noldorin types--thinks his mother's folk are much more interesting than the Vanyar (hymns, hymns, weird poetry, more hymns) and the Teleri (sailing, sailing, waah our ships, more sailing)*

*comes across a particularly engaging bard right in the middle of a song about one of the battles in Middle-earth* *likes those songs--they're so exciting!* *stops to listen*

*laughs at the re-created banter of Turgon and Fingon's meeting on the battlefield, holds his breath when the trumpets and banners announce the arrival of Maedhros' host, and is right on the edge of his metaphorical seat as Morgoth empties the last and fiercest of his forces upon the combined Elvish and mortal forces*

*and then--*

*blinks in surprise to hear his father's real name* *the name he is not to use in public, ever* *listens with an increasingly confused frown as the story goes on* *wonders if this might be a different Ulfang (the Black?)*

*slowly heads home, bursting with questions but unsure as to whether he should ask his father*

. . .

*decides to find his mother first*

May. 19th, 2008


*wakes with a start, her heart pounding wildly* *lies still for several moments, shaking off the last vestiges of a dark, oppressive dream*

*closes her eyes and breathes in deeply* How many nights has it been--

Gloriel-- Artafindë? son?
Dahab-- Ingo, come on, Turvo's found a frog!
Lauriel-- just Finrod will do, I don't stand much on ceremony--
Gûldien-- Nóm, if it pleases your Majesty...
Pharazîn-- they call me Felak-gundu, although Felagund might be easier on your tongue, yes?
Lóriel-- Findaráto, sweetheart...

*sucks in her breath, her eyes flying wide* *touches her face, her hair, and finally brings her hands up before her eyes, staring in disbelief*

*spends several minutes listening to herself breathe, feeling her heart beating, wondering at the simple (terrible) newness of it all*

*eventually gets up and wanders over to the window to gaze out at the sleeping (and now, entirely too familiar) city*

*watches the eastern horizon and loses herself in thought as she waits for the first real day of this new life to begin*

May. 8th, 2008


*wakes in the middle of the night to find that he is quite a bit bigger, and therefore very cramped and uncomfortable in his crib*

*quietly climbs out and wraps a blanket around his waist* *heads out to the living room, figuring he'll just sleep on the couch and let his parents work things out in the morning*

*slows when he sees the slender shape lying curled up on said piece of furniture* *forgot they had a guest*

*hovers in the doorway while he thinks of what to do*

((Ian Iskander Goum = adorable))

May. 4th, 2008


*arrives home after the scariest afternoon ever*

*gets her guest settled in the living room and sends 'Gil off to put his things in his room* *doesn't want him out of her sight, really, but needs to talk to Ulfang alone for a few minutes*

*speaking of said Easterling...* *heads into the kitchen and goes straight into his arms*

OhEruIlosthiminthecrowdanditwashorribleIwassoscared. Buthe'sokayjustscaredbutokay. Andwehavecompany.


*accompanies his Nana to the busy outdoor market, and as always, is in AWE* *so many strangers and shinies and sweets and and and!* :D

*holds his Nana's hand and toddles along beside her, looking around with wide eyes and chirping in an excited mix of Khandian and Sindarin*

Apr. 4th, 2008


*is getting a snack together for 'Gil*

*arranges the banana slices and raisins into a little smiley face (it makes him giggle <3!)*

*pauses in the middle of slicing up an apple*

*turns and looks at Ulfang curiously*

Would you marry me?

Mar. 9th, 2008


*feels a little twitchy after the main competition*

*once the various awards for solo singing, choral singing, under-eight singing and poetry have been distributed, bounds out onto the stage*

*clears her throat* I know that music is serious business and, like, so is Music but, whaddaya say to a little fun?

*launches into song*

Mar. 5th, 2008


*has had a very busy festival day, thus far*

*finds himself wanting to escape the stress involved with family reunions and upset parentals and such*

*waits for an opportune moment, then slips off into the growing crowd with a muttered excuse*

*wanders a bit, keeping half an eye out for Ereinion (without even realizing he's doing so, really)*


*Arrives at the festival ground with his family, Amillo and various elvish guests.*

*Figures since he's not compering this year, courtesy of his daughter, he can concentrate on more important matters.*

*Beckons to the vanyar and claps his hands*

Okay people, this year is going to be different, we are not going to draw with those soggy little buggers, we're going to WIN! Just focus a little and DEAR SWEET ERU, WHY ARE YOU NAKED?

Mar. 3rd, 2008


*turns up at the festival grounds with Ulfang and 'Gil just as things are getting kicked off*

*darts a curious (and somewhat wary) look around at all of the weird, weird Vanyar* *wonders if she'll be able to tell the Ainur apart?*

*directs her attention downward and tucks her son's scarf more securely around his neck* Keep ahold of Abi or Nana's hand, okay, 'Gil? It'd be easy for a little boy to get lost in all of these people.

Feb. 2nd, 2008


*has been enjoying getting to know the little ball of energy formerly known as her ickle baby* :) <3!

*in-between frantically toddler-proofing the house, that is* :s

*and trying to pick up Khandian* :P

*decides she requires chocolate of some kind, but discovers that she has absolutely none on-hand* :/


'Gil, sweetie? Go find your Abi and help him with... er, whatever he's doing, okay? Nana's going out for a little bit.

Jan. 31st, 2008


*wakes up*

*is bigger!*


*is still hungry, though*

*stands up in his crib and holds onto the railing*

Aaaaabi. Naaaana. Aaaaabi. Naaaaana. AAAABI! NAAANA! NAAAAAANAAAAAA!

*and so forth and so on*

Jan. 29th, 2008


*gets back in from her visit with Falathar*

*puts 'Gil down to finish his nap*

*trails back out to the living room and sinks down on the couch*


*hides her face and very quietly bursts into tears*

Jan. 28th, 2008


*feels more exhausted by his friends' visit than he's willing to let on*

*allows Aerandir to help him wash and dress before begging and pleading to be permitted to sit out on the balcony of his room, albeit well wrapped up*

*promptly falls asleep*

Jan. 26th, 2008


*comes into her new kitchen and sets about brewing some tea* *is just glad the teapot got unpacked first*

Ulfang? I swear on all that is holy, I am going to murder the next Vanya that rings that doorbell. I mean, seriously! None of the worst-case scenario survival handbooks mentioned there'd be ten callers a day. :/

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