December 2008




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Jul. 28th, 2008


*leaves her father's office, practically storming* *which, on her, translates to flushed cheeks and too-bright eyes and a brisk, sharp walk*

*true to her word, does go to the healers' wing* *sits stiffly on a bed while the healer (timidly) pokes and prods and asks a few perfunctory questions* *does her very best to be off-putting (and, surprisingly, is actually rather successful!)*

*finally escapes, having accomplished nothing at all (as she expected)*

*does not want to go to her study, or the library* *doesn't feel like talking to anyone, and will be an easy find in either of those places*

*decides to visit the royal observatory--generally one of the quietest places around* *can watch the sunset in peace there, at least*

Apr. 17th, 2008


*decides it's about time that he made his way to the Palace*

*gets shown to the reception area and asks if he can see Finarfin and OME of course not, one does not just walk in and see the High-king, but if he'd like to wait for a day or two while, he might be able to see the king's assistant*

*asks who might that be?*



*oh swell* :s

Mar. 22nd, 2008


*gains consciousness to find himself lying in the middle of a dusty road*

. . .

. . .

Oh for fuck's sake. I've been booted out?

WAIT! I'M NOT READY FOR THIS! Maybe another couple of millennia?



*gets up and brushes himself off* *looks around*

Is that a pub? I really hope that's a pub. *ventures in*

Mar. 11th, 2008



Gwindor? Don't feel that you have to answer this, but... do you ever miss being alive?

Feb. 20th, 2008


*after what seems an immeasurably long time spent curled up in quiet contemplation, finally decides to stretch his legs (so to speak)*

*casts about for his near-constant companion* Gwindor?

Feb. 6th, 2008


*splashes out for Parcheesi, vanilla rooibos and honey crullers in the Main Hall*

*really hasn't done a proper study on the effect of honey crullers on fëa-hroa separation* *just bets it's fabulous!*

*takes a moment to read the curtains*

*wonders if the sad Finarfinian is done with his homework Rubik's cube yet*

Feb. 3rd, 2008


*try as he might, cannot ascertain any rumor of Edrahil in the Halls at all* *and believe you me, he knows all the hiding places*

*could ask Lord NĂ¡mo?* :s *uh uh, no*

*debates on whether or not to inform Finrod of his non-findings*

Jan. 28th, 2008


*has been slowly and quietly pulling scattered thoughts together, fiddling off and on with his ever-present Rubik's cube*

*feels subdued and melancholic, more than anything else* *and also hurts every so often, although he hasn't a body with which to feel pain*

*after some time (a day? a week? can't tell), stirs and softly addresses the spirit lingering nearby*


Jan. 21st, 2008


They say that there will come a time when he will be ready to leave, ready to rejoin the physical world of Arda. If he had a head, he might shake it and smile to himself. He remains skeptical.

*drifts through the Halls, a simple melody playing over and over in his consciousness*¹

*senses a familiar presence* :?

My lord, Finrod? Back so soon? :(

¹Possibly Moon River.