December 2008




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Oct. 24th, 2008


*wakes up early in the morning and stares at the darkened ceiling* *scratches his stomach as he thinks of the day ahead*

*spends the morning with his daughter and has really only begun to explain to her that he did not mean not to recognise her or know her for who she was*

*finally, finally, though it is an ache that has been present since he woke up and remembered, goes down to the park* *situates himself on a park bench far away from the pond and silently calls a name*
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Oct. 5th, 2008


*has pretty thoroughly recovered from his kidnapping and imprisonment*

*hasn't seen much of Ereinion recently, though, which is probably a good thing on the whole?* *poor kid was drowning in guilt over The Incident, after all* *probably not as badly as he himself was, but it was close*

*is out and about in the shopping district, wrapped up in a scarf and jacket against the slightly chilly autumn air, when he thinks he sees a familiar face through the window of a shoe store*


Nana? Nana!

Aug. 20th, 2008


*is firmly installed on Dior's couch, fretting hugely*

*doesn't quite understand the logic of 'wait and see' when Dior's life could be in danger* *just can't come up with a better plan right now*

Aug. 18th, 2008


*is free*

*granted, has some severely raw and burned wrists to show for it, but is walking out under his own power, and that's something*

*skirts around the edges of the camp, waving at "fellow" Easterlings as he passes (as they see what they expect to see)* *makes short work of the half-drunk men guarding the horses and liberates one of the friendlier beasts (shushing the others with a word)*

*looks up at the sky to get his bearings* *okay, so the Sun refusing to rise is generally a bad thing, but at least the stars are out to guide him*

*is about to head off when something else occurs to him* *. . .* *coaxes the steed into a quiet pace around the camp's outer perimeter, carefully straining his senses for one little bit of light in particular*

ETA: *makes for Tirion as quickly as possible* *is exhausted and sore and feeling the pain in his wrists much more now that he's out of immediate danger, but isn't willing to sleep until he gets home*

*rides a good long while before deciding it's safe to stop (briefly) and let the horse rest* *dismounts by a stream and leads the steed to drink*

*sinks down wearily on the bank and contacts his mother as he refills the water skin* Nana? Can you hear me?


*snags a lamp and heads to his tent after a very satisfying feast which was even more satisfying after the usurper Ulforth went to bed and he had his father's full attention is not jealous of the little twerp what?*

*may be slightly drunk, judging by the warmth in his face and the general sensation of Good*

*steps inside, already in the process of stripping off his outer tunic* *as per habit, glances over at his prisoner (lying still and quiet, now perfectly visible in the lamplight)* *as per the norm, is struck dumb by the sheer flawlessness of the creature (even dusty and dishevelled and folded into that awkward position)*

*sets down the lamp and approaches quietly, kneeling down to more closely ogle inspect him (again)* *pauses a moment, waiting for those bright (starlit) eyes to open (and glare)* *is fairly surprised when there is no response at all to his proximity*

*looks at him* *feels a rush of airy lightheadedness (is slightly drunk?)* (*and oh, the want/need/take is so, so much stronger now*)

*before he even knows it, is reaching down to brush his fingers across that smooth, high cheekbone*
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Aug. 16th, 2008


*so far, is having a very good time at the Easterling camp!* *has been oohing and ahhing over the many stolen horses tethered nearby while his father and brother were off drinking coffee and discussing Grown Up Matters*

*was a little nervous at first, hoping no one would knock his head covering off or ask him to remove it for whatever reason, but has relaxed a lot while chattering with the men in charge of the horses* (*they seem to think he says certain things funny, though?* *will have to ask his father*)

*is eventually brought to the fire in the center of camp, where he is told a meal is being prepared* *oh good, is starving*

*spots his father and brother approaching and stands on his toes, waving them over* :)

ETA: *slips away while his father is engaged in what sounds like a serious conversation with Uldor*

*is very, very curious about the other half-Elf in camp--Uldor's guest?*

*from what he could hear, it sounded as though the guest was staying in Uldor's tent* *asks one of the men for directions there, mumbling something about being sent to fetch something or other*

*eventually finds himself at the tent entrance* *peeps inside*

Aug. 15th, 2008


*finds the task of hunting down his elder son to be just a bit more time-consuming than he'd originally imagined* *oh yes, he taught the boy well* :\ *is grateful for the guidance of the far-seeing hawk and a reasonable amount of tracking skills* *not to mention intimate knowledge of how a kidnapper's mind works* >_>

*finally gets to the point where he can see the outskirts of the camp and reins in his horse, dismounting*

Aug. 10th, 2008


*decides to stop by Dior's rooms with a house-warming present (throw-pillows!) (and also the requisite basket of home-baked goods) (and some laundry detergent--just in case he doesn't have any)*

*(and a plant) (because everyone should have a plant)*

*knocks on the door and waits*

*waits some more (but not really very long) before turning to Beren*

I guess he's not in. :? :(


*is really in a rather hideous mood at the moment*

*is truly awake for the first time in... well, isn't exactly sure how long it's been since he was last coherent (first due to stupid-drunkenness, and then violence-induced unconsciousness, and then a subsequent series of vaguely recollectable incidents involving strange men forcing water down his throat (water which apparently contained one serious fuck-off sleeping agent, since it put his lights out within seconds each time))*

*has finally shaken off the last of the grogginess, but feels as though the entire population of Menegroth is samba-ing inside his skull* *wearing cleats*

*oh, and is tied up, and is therefore sore/numb/mostly sore all over*

*mostly feels like an idiot for letting himself get kidnapped in the first place--is not looking forward to explaining this to anyone* >_<
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Jul. 29th, 2008


*arrives back in camp with his prize*

*smirks at the curious/knowing/envious looks from his men* *why yes, has snagged a prettier toy than his father did* >:D

*has no intention of repeating his father's missteps, though*

Pack up and prepare to move out. We must be gone by sunrise.

*leaves the men to it and has the Elf carried to his tent* *lays him out on the bedmat and arranges him just so, taking the opportunity for a closer ogling inspection*
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Jul. 26th, 2008


*stands in the shadows outside the local drinking establishment; only the glow of his cigarette giving away his presence*

*nonchalantly watches the prospective victims people coming out and bides his time, waiting for an interesting specimen*

*is very discriminatory in his torturing preferences*

Jul. 25th, 2008


*is pretty thoroughly disgusted with himself* *may not have technically nailed his teenaged lover to the bed, but certainly did so in their shared dreamscape* X(

*sees Ereinion off in the morning, feeling vaguely nauseous all the while* *can't think of a way to apologize that won't hurt Ereinion's feelings* *doesn't really think any apology will suffice, anyway*

*can't bear to look at the rumpled bed and tangled sheets any longer, so goes out walking* *walks, and walks, and walks, and walks*

*passes by the pub four times before finally deciding to try the drink-till-it-doesn't-hurt route* *hasn't ever been one to overindulge, so to speak, but figures it can't make things any worse, right?*

*heads in, and after a quick glance around to make sure Ariel isn't working, takes up a post in a corner booth* *isn't sure wine will do the trick, so decides to just start at the top of the liquor menu and work his way down*
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Jul. 16th, 2008


*has been such a good boy recently, what with the not-excessive groping of his former/current/future boyfriend*

*wakes up in the night, slightly panicky because it's raining and windy out and still has bad memories of the last storm** *makes a decision (albeit a split-second one) to get dressed and to race across town to Dior's apartment* *runs up the stairs and knocks on his front door, shivering slightly*

Jul. 5th, 2008


*following a too-close call and yet another night of sizzlingly realistic dreams, is feeling just a little worn out*

*takes a day to himself and cleans up around the apartment, unpacking the last boxes and putting up the curtains and distributing the throw pillows* *by nightfall, can consider himself properly Moved In*

*the next morning, figures he'll go read under one of the trees for a while since the sun is shining* *takes one of his new books and heads out to the big grandfatherly oak he's been eyeing from his window since he moved in* *has always loved big trees* :)

Jul. 1st, 2008


*after many months of proper nomad-ing (broken up by discreet bouts of bandit-ing), parks the horde about a half-day's ride from Tirion*

*Cleans Up1 and heads into town to catch up on events* *acquires a newspaper and settles down in what passes for a coffee shop (blech) on the fringe of the main park*

*figures he'll people-watch and eavesdrop a while*

1Takes a bath and everything!

Jun. 30th, 2008


*feels marginally better about things, having had a relatively normal conversation with Dior (with minimal touching and kissing) and having been reunited with his best friend (who gained even more bonus points for buying him porn!)*

*duly exhausted, goes to bed and falls into a very deep slumber*

*has a very strange (and very disturbing) dream*

*wakes up late in the morning, disorientated and a little bit frightened* *and then more than a little bit nauseated as he realises what that dream (memory?) must mean*

*leaves the house, as though still half-asleep, and goes out through the meadow to the river*

*goes for a swim but isn't sure he'll ever feel clean again*

Jun. 23rd, 2008


*after an incredibly confusing and awkward morning, decides he had better go out and collect a few necessities for the new apartment* *can't hide under a rock for the next decade, unfortunately* :s

*heads to one of the main shopping plazas, figuring he'll get a plant or two or six and some curtains to make his mother happy when she comes for a visit* *oh, and throw pillows* *she's all about the throw pillows* <3

Jun. 18th, 2008


*after spending a remarkably productive day with Dior's family, actually takes an early night*

*all that fresh air really does tire a guy out!*

*sleeps well into the morning, when his dreams start to take a very interesting turn*

*tosses and turns as his dream takes him to a city in the mountains ... with music in the air ... and ... and ... oh! ... and and AND ... Ooohhhhhhhhhhhngh*

*jerks awake, panting and sticky and with a truly ridiculous smile on his face*

Jun. 14th, 2008


*has had a busy couple of days, putting the new addition on the house*

*did have to take a break and batten down the hatches during the storm, but is full-speed ahead once more now that the sky's cleared up*

*despite the back-breaking amount of work involved, really does enjoy building projects like this* :)

*if nothing else, it's a good excuse to get various friends and relatives over*

Jun. 11th, 2008


*spends a long night with the teenaged and partially-amnesiac version of his (former) lover, dodging touches and caresses and trying to divert attention with every conversation topic he can think of (except their relationship, which he will not discuss, no matter how much Ereinion wheedles or begs or cajoles or smiles)*

*is almost relieved when the storm abates in the morning*

*gets them both dressed (separately) and decides he'd probably better take Ereinion home himself, just to make sure he gets there (since he can't remember where it is, after all)* *sigh*

*steels himself as they approach the house* *sincerely hopes someone, anyone other than Maedhros answers the door*

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