December 2008




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May. 4th, 2008


*even though it's her night off, makes her way behind the bar at the pub, after a (large) dinner at her uncle's*

*eventually makes her way over to the table at which her brother and cousins carrying two pitchers in each hand*

Okay! We have a Tol Eressëa Iced Tea, a Sindarin Slammer, a Númenor Libre and Tirion Court Special. Enjoy. :)

Mar. 13th, 2008


*Wanders away from the main arena as the festival winds down.*

*Stops by a drinks table and helps himself to a nip of whiskey in the hope that it'll dull the confusing mix of pride, jealousy and confusion he's experiencing right now.*

Mar. 9th, 2008


*feels a little twitchy after the main competition*

*once the various awards for solo singing, choral singing, under-eight singing and poetry have been distributed, bounds out onto the stage*

*clears her throat* I know that music is serious business and, like, so is Music but, whaddaya say to a little fun?

*launches into song*

Mar. 2nd, 2008


*treks up the mountain with Elemmakil and Legolas in tow, intending to meet up with Falathar for the big music and poetry festival*

*is armed with an atlas, a street map, a program, several event fliers, a Worse Case Scenario Survival Handbook Guide to Vanyarin Customs, and other assorted bits of helpful literature*

*takes up a post near the main event staging area and turns to the guys* Okay, keep your eyes peeled, Fala-baby should be about soon. And do we have to go over the rules again before he gets here?

Jan. 29th, 2008


*leaves Ilmarin with Legolas and Littleheart, in rather more sombre form than usual*

Little guy's not looking too healthy, is he?

So. Pub? Taniquetil has pubs, right?

Jan. 28th, 2008


*has heard about the attack on Falathar* :o :((

*decides a gathering of the Three Stooges Gondolinteers is in order, and heads out to collect Elemmakil for a trip up to Ilmarin*

Dec. 23rd, 2007


*slips out at the end of the wedding to make sure that everything is in place for the reception*

*has arranged for a marquee to be erected in a nearby cove, complete with a bar at one end, manned by various staff members from the pub*

*oh, and mini-pizzas*