December 2008




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Jul. 29th, 2008


*arrives in the kitchen in a bit of a daze* *a very long daze*

*sits down at the table and stares into space*

Jun. 21st, 2008


*when his brother doesn't show up for breakfast and it's realised that he's left the house (again), is nominated into going out looking for him*

*knows this is because he's the only one who won't get angry at him*

*sets out into town, with Maedhros' dog as company*

May. 18th, 2008


*makes his way back to the house from the barn (the runaway chicken long forgotten)*

*shepherds the two boys into the kitchen and calls up the stairs* Ada? Ede? We have visitors.

May. 15th, 2008


*spends quite a lot of time (when he's not scrounging for food) gazing out the hayloft window, watching the comings and goings of the various household members* *not that there's much else to do anyway*

*is especially interested to see a boy (around his age!) staying? in the house now*

May. 10th, 2008


*Wakes up after his inaugural pub night on a couch...somewhere.*

*Rolls off the couch, lands on his feet and makes towards a mirror in one graceful movement.*

*Checks his hair.*

Yep, still good.

May. 6th, 2008


*wanders down the street for a good ten minutes before remembering that he shouldn't technically be walking anywhere*

*slows to a stop* *blinks* *looks around a little bewilderedly*


*has vague, hazy memories of the Halls* *recalls winning a... a card game?*

*abruptly sucks in a short breath as he remembers*

*turns and sprints in the direction of Ereinion's house* *is well out of breath by the time he reaches the front door and hurriedly raps on it*

ETA: *heads for his parents' house, feeling rather disheartened* :(

*sighs morosely as the first few raindrops begin to fall* *it just figures*

*knocks on his parents' door, soaked to the skin and completely unaware of all the company inside*

May. 5th, 2008


*wakes up sort of early, really*

*goes into the bathroom and looks at herself curiously* *sends out a tentative thought* Dad? I grew.

*makes her way into Ariel's bedroom and wrinkles her nose at the smell of alcohol* *rifles through her aunt's clothing and finds something passable*

*goes down to the kitchen and locates the coffee pot* *waits for the rest of her family to emerge*

((brunette!kristen stewart; any resemblance to lalaith is just an entertaining side-effect))

May. 4th, 2008


*even though it's her night off, makes her way behind the bar at the pub, after a (large) dinner at her uncle's*

*eventually makes her way over to the table at which her brother and cousins carrying two pitchers in each hand*

Okay! We have a Tol Eressëa Iced Tea, a Sindarin Slammer, a Númenor Libre and Tirion Court Special. Enjoy. :)


*is party of the happy party walking out of town to the talan with Lindorië holding his arm the whole way :>*

*is painfully aware of a pair of eyes boring into the back of his skull the whole way, not to mention Ariel's uncharacteristic silence*

*stops when they reach the base of the tree*

*doffs an imaginary hat to Lindórië* I believe this is your stop, ma'am.

May. 3rd, 2008


*has lost his sister* *no, really*

*went to collect her from the pub but she wasn't there* *really doesn't want to go back to his fathers and say that he's their last remaining child* *just doesn't think it'd go down too well*

*walks through town, taking wide berths around any and all bodies of water*

Apr. 14th, 2008


*as the funeral of her son draws to a close, manages to keep it together long enough to sing a lament, especially composed for the occasion*

Apr. 7th, 2008


*has a very dead Elf to tend to* :(

*places Ereinion in a back room and cleans him up as best he can, covering him with a white sheet afterwards*

*emerges after a time with his collar undone and his sleeves rolled up, looking worn*

*meets Elendil's eyes* I've done what I can do. If you'd like to go back and be alone with him for a while, by all means do so, but I expect his family will be here fairly soon. Can I get you some coffee in the meantime?

Apr. 5th, 2008


*looks out the kitchen window and sees his sister trudging slowly towards the house with Vëantur*

*can't help but notice that it's sort of early for her to be home from work* *really hopes she hasn't been sent home early for terrorising customers again*

Ede? You wouldn't be upset if Ariel lost her job, would you?

Mar. 29th, 2008


*wanders down for breakfast at a suitably late hour* *pours himself some of Gwilwileth's Coco Pops and a large cup of Ariel's coffee*

*feeling rather chipper about life until he opens the newspaper and sees that a perfectly circular hole, the size of a dinner-plate, appears to have been ... burned into each and every page*

Mar. 18th, 2008


*gets up early, having had only an early shift at the pub the previous day*

*sets about getting Gwilwileth's breakfast ready*

*sits down at the kitchen table and wraps her hands around her mug*

So, baby girl, what do you want to do today?

[edit] *brings her niece down to the park*

*stays near a busy exit and watches Gwilwileth play in the snow, without gloves on, OME*

Mar. 15th, 2008


*emerges from his hotel room in the early morning with a truly goofy smile on his face*

*weaves his way back to the site of the festival, hoping that his daughter didn't give her uncle and grandfather too much of a run-around*

*picks up some orange juice on his way and meanders past a pile of sleeping Vanyar and Teleri* *thinks it's rather sweet they can put their differences to the side*

Mar. 9th, 2008


*Takes his turn on the main stage, being determined to remind people that music is Serious Business after the debacle of Turco's performance.*

*Looks out over the crowd before he starts and thinks he sees someone who looks like Dior.*

*Feels a strong pang of guilt as he begins to sing.*

*Uses it!*