December 2008




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Jun. 14th, 2008


*given how nice the weather is, decides to go for a walk* *stops into a local coffee shop and buys tea, coffee and some cakes to takeaway*

*even though it's early enough in the morning, hopes figures she can be forgiven for ringing the doorbell of the pool hall*
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May. 6th, 2008


*wanders down the street for a good ten minutes before remembering that he shouldn't technically be walking anywhere*

*slows to a stop* *blinks* *looks around a little bewilderedly*


*has vague, hazy memories of the Halls* *recalls winning a... a card game?*

*abruptly sucks in a short breath as he remembers*

*turns and sprints in the direction of Ereinion's house* *is well out of breath by the time he reaches the front door and hurriedly raps on it*

ETA: *heads for his parents' house, feeling rather disheartened* :(

*sighs morosely as the first few raindrops begin to fall* *it just figures*

*knocks on his parents' door, soaked to the skin and completely unaware of all the company inside*

May. 4th, 2008


*rounds up the kids (if they can still be called that, what with Ivy's latest growth spurt) and heads over to his great-great-great-great-grandson's place for the wake/get-together* :(

*finds the yard already full of folks, some of whom he knows, most of whom he doesn't*

*notes all the tipped ears* *still finds it mind-boggling that there's a line of half-Elves descended from him*

Apr. 21st, 2008


*has spent rather a lot of time hanging out at Bard's pool hall, mostly as a spectator but occasionally as a participant* *has also attempted to teach him to appreciate tea but figures that's a lost cause*

*all in all, has appreciated the excuse not to be alone*

*eventually, however, realises she does have a duty to her husband*

*wends her way out to his parents' home*
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Apr. 4th, 2008


*makes her way back into town, feeling ever-so-slightly empty*

*wrinkles up her face as it starts to rain* *stops into the doorway of a building and huddles against the doorframe, sighing as she resigns herself to waiting it out*
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Apr. 3rd, 2008


*is outside the house doing some last-minute measuring and such*

*hears footfalls approaching and peers around the corner to see his son and daughter-in-law approaching at a slow, somewhat heavy? pace*

*frowns sharply at Dior's blank, bleached expression*

*calls out for LĂșthien and jogs over to meet the kids*


*runs to the pub, as VĂ«antur directed, trying not to cry*

*bursts in* Please, please, it's my brother. I think he's dead. He...he... he's dead.

Mar. 31st, 2008


*leaves Ereinion's parents' place, feeling more heartbroken guilty drained than anything else*

*is unaware that they had an audience*

*numbly makes his way to the inn to collect Nimloth, as promised*

*stands staring blankly at the front door for several minutes before realizing that he should probably go up to her room and get her*

*arrives at her door and knocks*
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Mar. 23rd, 2008


*comes to, some distance outside Tirion* *places her hand on her stomach, half-expecting to feel pain, and blood, and death*

*makes her way towards the city, even though it's big and shiny and, really, rather ugly and intimidating*

*finds herself in a quiet neighbourhood and goes into a coffee shop*

*looks at the menu with utter bewilderment* *looks around and sees her husband*


*falls into a dead faint*