December 2008




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Jul. 29th, 2008


*arrives in the kitchen in a bit of a daze* *a very long daze*

*sits down at the table and stares into space*

May. 11th, 2008


*Goes up to check on Ariel, as per uncle Maedhros' request.*


Ariel? Ariel sweetie, are you okay? We're having fry-up, do you want me to bring you some if you can't face the prospect of company?

*knocks again.*

Ariel? Are you all right?

*Tries the door and peeps around.*


*Abruptly closes the door again.*

*Hovers outside.* :\

May. 8th, 2008


*reluctantly drags himself back to consciousness, feeling like death* *death that has been placed in the microwave and exploded, even* *oh joy, a four-alarm hangover*

*dimly recalls boasting about his drinking prowess the night before* Spoke too soon, Legolas, old chap...

*turns over and encounters a soft, warm body in the bed next to him* *smiles*


*cracks an eye open and realizes that he does not recognize the bed, or the room* :s

*at least he remembers her name he thinks* F'nd'nárë... you up?

May. 4th, 2008


*even though it's her night off, makes her way behind the bar at the pub, after a (large) dinner at her uncle's*

*eventually makes her way over to the table at which her brother and cousins carrying two pitchers in each hand*

Okay! We have a Tol Eressëa Iced Tea, a Sindarin Slammer, a Númenor Libre and Tirion Court Special. Enjoy. :)


*is party of the happy party walking out of town to the talan with Lindorië holding his arm the whole way :>*

*is painfully aware of a pair of eyes boring into the back of his skull the whole way, not to mention Ariel's uncharacteristic silence*

*stops when they reach the base of the tree*

*doffs an imaginary hat to Lindórië* I believe this is your stop, ma'am.

May. 3rd, 2008


*has lost his sister* *no, really*

*went to collect her from the pub but she wasn't there* *really doesn't want to go back to his fathers and say that he's their last remaining child* *just doesn't think it'd go down too well*

*walks through town, taking wide berths around any and all bodies of water*

May. 2nd, 2008


*takes time out of drawing up everyone's schedule with military precision (that would be at home and at the pub) to go to the park and have a very quiet breakdown in a quiet corner, as far from the pond of Doom as she can get*

Apr. 14th, 2008


*as the funeral of her son draws to a close, manages to keep it together long enough to sing a lament, especially composed for the occasion*

Apr. 7th, 2008


*has a very dead Elf to tend to* :(

*places Ereinion in a back room and cleans him up as best he can, covering him with a white sheet afterwards*

*emerges after a time with his collar undone and his sleeves rolled up, looking worn*

*meets Elendil's eyes* I've done what I can do. If you'd like to go back and be alone with him for a while, by all means do so, but I expect his family will be here fairly soon. Can I get you some coffee in the meantime?

Apr. 5th, 2008


*looks out the kitchen window and sees his sister trudging slowly towards the house with Vëantur*

*can't help but notice that it's sort of early for her to be home from work* *really hopes she hasn't been sent home early for terrorising customers again*

Ede? You wouldn't be upset if Ariel lost her job, would you?

Apr. 3rd, 2008


*runs to the pub, as Vëantur directed, trying not to cry*

*bursts in* Please, please, it's my brother. I think he's dead. He...he... he's dead.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


*is fairly sure he's just been unequivocally dumped* *really isn't used to being in this position*

*knows in his heart of hearts, he should go back into his father's house and spend time getting to know his (OME so big!) little girl but really doesn't feel like facing anyone right now*

*goes into town* *buys a large bottle of bourbon in the supermarket and heads down to the park*

*sits down on a bench opposite the duck pond and stares at it unblinking* *doesn't even notice when one of the female ducks squawks in indignation and flaps away across the pond*

Mar. 30th, 2008


*stands in the take-away queue at the café, somewhat annoyed with the Casino's inability to serve a decent cup of coffee and wondering when his father is going to want to go back to digging tunnels at the new stronghold* *hopefully not any time soon, doesn't especially like digging tunnels either*

Mar. 23rd, 2008


*comes to, some distance outside Tirion* *places her hand on her stomach, half-expecting to feel pain, and blood, and death*

*makes her way towards the city, even though it's big and shiny and, really, rather ugly and intimidating*

*finds herself in a quiet neighbourhood and goes into a coffee shop*

*looks at the menu with utter bewilderment* *looks around and sees her husband*


*falls into a dead faint*

Mar. 18th, 2008


*gets up early, having had only an early shift at the pub the previous day*

*sets about getting Gwilwileth's breakfast ready*

*sits down at the kitchen table and wraps her hands around her mug*

So, baby girl, what do you want to do today?

[edit] *brings her niece down to the park*

*stays near a busy exit and watches Gwilwileth play in the snow, without gloves on, OME*

Feb. 19th, 2008


*is having a very confusing first week back*

*first, had a male Nana and a female Ada*

*apparently has two male parents now, though* :s

*finds himself wandering around Tirion's park, idly kicking clumps of snow and wondering whether any of the nearby apartment buildings have vacancies* *sure as Mandos isn't planning to stay with his parents long-term, much as he loves them*

Jan. 2nd, 2008


*figures he's probably due back in Ilmarin sometime soon*

*decides to make the most of it*

*sends word out to the wayward youth of Tirion to convene at the pub for a night of severe inebriation*

Dec. 29th, 2007


*hates the cold but hates being stuck inside for long periods of time even more*

*pulls on several heavy layers of clothes before heading outside to see what amusement town has to offer and giving his mun a chance to get back in the saddle of this whole rpg-malarky*

*stops off to hypnotize some shopkeeper out of a pack of cigarettes and wanders through the park, trying to work out why the fuck everyone seems to like this snow shit*
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Dec. 23rd, 2007


*slips out at the end of the wedding to make sure that everything is in place for the reception*

*has arranged for a marquee to be erected in a nearby cove, complete with a bar at one end, manned by various staff members from the pub*

*oh, and mini-pizzas*