December 2008




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Oct. 5th, 2008


*has pretty thoroughly recovered from his kidnapping and imprisonment*

*hasn't seen much of Ereinion recently, though, which is probably a good thing on the whole?* *poor kid was drowning in guilt over The Incident, after all* *probably not as badly as he himself was, but it was close*

*is out and about in the shopping district, wrapped up in a scarf and jacket against the slightly chilly autumn air, when he thinks he sees a familiar face through the window of a shoe store*


Nana? Nana!

Oct. 2nd, 2008


*dreams a happy nostalgic dream (in which she's running [bouncing] through a meadow of flowers on the green isle of Tol Galen)* *running in slow-motion [bounce, bounce, bounce], smiling and laughing aloud as she sleeps*

*wakes herself up with the noise and sits up abruptly, a little startled [feeling like she's still bouncing]*

. . .

*looks down at her chest* Fuck me.

*does not mean that literally just yet*
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Aug. 20th, 2008


*is firmly installed on Dior's couch, fretting hugely*

*doesn't quite understand the logic of 'wait and see' when Dior's life could be in danger* *just can't come up with a better plan right now*

Aug. 18th, 2008


*is free*

*granted, has some severely raw and burned wrists to show for it, but is walking out under his own power, and that's something*

*skirts around the edges of the camp, waving at "fellow" Easterlings as he passes (as they see what they expect to see)* *makes short work of the half-drunk men guarding the horses and liberates one of the friendlier beasts (shushing the others with a word)*

*looks up at the sky to get his bearings* *okay, so the Sun refusing to rise is generally a bad thing, but at least the stars are out to guide him*

*is about to head off when something else occurs to him* *. . .* *coaxes the steed into a quiet pace around the camp's outer perimeter, carefully straining his senses for one little bit of light in particular*

ETA: *makes for Tirion as quickly as possible* *is exhausted and sore and feeling the pain in his wrists much more now that he's out of immediate danger, but isn't willing to sleep until he gets home*

*rides a good long while before deciding it's safe to stop (briefly) and let the horse rest* *dismounts by a stream and leads the steed to drink*

*sinks down wearily on the bank and contacts his mother as he refills the water skin* Nana? Can you hear me?

Aug. 15th, 2008


*after some serious thought, decides to go over to Dior's to apologise?* *is so capable of serious thought, thank you very much* *also, hasn't seen Dior in some days and is suffering from minor withdrawal symptoms*

*picks up coffee on the way and heads over to his apartment*

Aug. 10th, 2008


*decides to stop by Dior's rooms with a house-warming present (throw-pillows!) (and also the requisite basket of home-baked goods) (and some laundry detergent--just in case he doesn't have any)*

*(and a plant) (because everyone should have a plant)*

*knocks on the door and waits*

*waits some more (but not really very long) before turning to Beren*

I guess he's not in. :? :(

Jun. 21st, 2008


*arrives home after helping Dior get properly moved into his apartment*

*has been set straight on certain strange sights, but is still a little at a loss on the whole thing*

*goes in search of the wife*
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Jun. 14th, 2008


*has had a busy couple of days, putting the new addition on the house*

*did have to take a break and batten down the hatches during the storm, but is full-speed ahead once more now that the sky's cleared up*

*despite the back-breaking amount of work involved, really does enjoy building projects like this* :)

*if nothing else, it's a good excuse to get various friends and relatives over*

May. 26th, 2008


*takes advantage of the Spring sunshine and a lull in the angst to nap in a hammock out in the front yard and get some use out of this icon before his fickle mun turns him back into a girl*

*is almost feeling quite content*

*enjoys it while it lasts*

May. 6th, 2008


*wanders down the street for a good ten minutes before remembering that he shouldn't technically be walking anywhere*

*slows to a stop* *blinks* *looks around a little bewilderedly*


*has vague, hazy memories of the Halls* *recalls winning a... a card game?*

*abruptly sucks in a short breath as he remembers*

*turns and sprints in the direction of Ereinion's house* *is well out of breath by the time he reaches the front door and hurriedly raps on it*

ETA: *heads for his parents' house, feeling rather disheartened* :(

*sighs morosely as the first few raindrops begin to fall* *it just figures*

*knocks on his parents' door, soaked to the skin and completely unaware of all the company inside*

May. 4th, 2008


*rounds up the kids (if they can still be called that, what with Ivy's latest growth spurt) and heads over to his great-great-great-great-grandson's place for the wake/get-together* :(

*finds the yard already full of folks, some of whom he knows, most of whom he doesn't*

*notes all the tipped ears* *still finds it mind-boggling that there's a line of half-Elves descended from him*

Apr. 30th, 2008


*pats the last of the soil into place and drops the shovel to one side*

*sits down next to the dark, freshly-packed patch of earth, pulling his knees up*

*drops his chin to his chest*

*doesn't even notice the rain beginning to fall*
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*sits by the duck pond in the park, a newspaper (liberated from a trash can) spread out on the bench beside him, and sighs over the rumors headline*

What drove you to this, my Lord? Would that I were so brave... but no, I take the coward's way and slowly drown myself from the inside out.

*takes a drink from his bottle and contemplates the water as gradually his out-of-focus eyes begin to focus on something unnatural floating by the shore*

*stands unsteadily and wades in, confirming his suspicions* :( *brushes the wet hair from the face and recognizes the features surprisingly enough* O my King--not you as well? *wonders if it's a trend*

*suddenly has a sense of a malevolent? presence behind him and turns to find a pair of creepy beady eyes watching his every move*

. . .

*begins to suspect Fowl Play*

Apr. 23rd, 2008


*finishes hanging the laundry up after Nimloth leaves* *doesn't particularly remember doing so, but eventually finds himself staring bewilderedly at full clotheslines and empty baskets*

*has no idea what to think (gone), or feel (empty), or do (run)*

*decides to not think, feel, or do much of anything just now*

*shuffles over to the porch and sinks down on the steps, resting his chin on his hands and watching the sheets flutter in the wind*

Apr. 3rd, 2008


*is outside the house doing some last-minute measuring and such*

*hears footfalls approaching and peers around the corner to see his son and daughter-in-law approaching at a slow, somewhat heavy? pace*

*frowns sharply at Dior's blank, bleached expression*

*calls out for LĂșthien and jogs over to meet the kids*

Mar. 30th, 2008


*hasn't had too much interest in decorating lately and finds himself not doing much else other than worrying, especially after hearing about Nimloth's return from Beren*


*focuses on his son, wondering what his state of mind is* *not that he's trying to intrude or anything*

*looks alarmed*
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Mar. 17th, 2008


*heads indoors with Dior trailing in his wake*

*calls out* TinĂșviel? Got coffee, donuts, and our kid, in that order.

Mar. 9th, 2008


*makes his way to the beer tent after listening to Ulmo perform* *thinks that was a lot less scary than his Rising From the Foam and Commanding in a Voice of Doom™ act*

Mar. 7th, 2008


*Hobbles up to the main stage (on crutches) to take part in the competition.*

*ahem* Me-mee-meeeeEEEeeEEe.


Mar. 4th, 2008


*makes her way to Taniquetil with her picnic basket well stocked up*

*finds a well-sheltered nook, not far from the main stage, and lays down a few blankets*

*transforms into bird-form and shoots straight up into the air so she can stretch her wings*

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