December 2008




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Sep. 6th, 2008


*Can't remember the last time it stayed this dark for this long.

*No, actually, CAN remember the last time it stayed this dark for this long. Something to do with the Trees, a big, fuck off spider and the family jewels.*

*Lights a torch, heads for Tirion's main square and gets on a soap box.*


((PB change. Reverting back to Henry Cavill. Prrrrr.))

Jul. 16th, 2008


*is hard at work in his office, as usual, when a messenger arrives with a post from Ilmarin* :?

*opens it and reads* *...* *smiles gently and writes up a quick reply, sealing it and handing it back to the messenger with a word of thanks*

*immediately afterward, rings for his pages and soon has them running off with instructions for various staff members to begin preparations*


*sends for his eldest*

May. 27th, 2008


*has been alive for all of a week, and has already had a request for help* *is all-too-pleased to be of service, of course (and not just because fulfilling that request will provide a welcome distraction in the days ahead)*

*assures Ulfang and Erestor that she will make arrangements and contact them when everything is ready* *borrows a hooded cloak (doesn't want the media to jump on her right away) before setting off for Tirion*

*arrives in the city and decides to make a stop on her way to the Palace* *is not stalling, honest*

ETA: *leaves Bëor's after a bit of shop-talk and finally makes her way up to the Palace*

Apr. 19th, 2008



A familiar voice. Commanding. Challenging. Teasing.

"That wasn't a question, Captain--that was an order."


Laughter. Bright. Warm. "Try to keep up, Edrahil."

*starts awake and blinks disorientedly at the darkness* *thought he was sleeping in the sun?*

*gets out of bed and scrubs a hand through his hair* *figures he'll go for a patrol walkabout, since he doubts he'll get back to sleep tonight*

*some time later, finds himself heading down an oft-traveled corridor without any forethought on his part*

*reaches the doorway (open, as it ever was) and pauses in his tracks*

Feb. 25th, 2008


*Emerges from her chambers, determined to uphold the adage that Life Goes On.*

*Decides to focus on the upcoming music and poetry festival, thinking that the teleri should put in a good showing to maintain their reputation.*

*Has a poke around the library, looking for something to perform.*

*Comes across a volume of poetry with annotations and notes in the margin scribbed in Finrod's hand.*

*Stares at them, knowing she shouldn't wallow.*

*Decides she can wallow once in a while, dammit.*

*Lets the tears come.*

Feb. 24th, 2008


*writes up a report from his notes on the Ring of Doom session and brings it around to his father's office in spite of having a slight impression that it's not really complete*

Jan. 29th, 2008


*really has not been all right since his father told him the Valar were going to put his mother in the Void* :((

*has completely distanced himself from family and friends and has taken to spending all of his time spray painting 'MANWË SUCKS DRAGON BALLS' and similar anti-Valar slogans throughout Tirion*

*so THERE*


Jan. 14th, 2008


*probably should not be awake yet*

*definitely should not be out of bed yet*

*but has a child to bury*

*thankfully, the lady wife has been making arrangements, so all he really has to do is to make it through the funeral and accompanying ceremonies without breaking down*

*to that end, holds Eärwen's hand tightly all throughout*

Jan. 12th, 2008



Any problems with that, fill out a complaint form and my press secretary will process it. Actually, speaking of that, Turukáno? Send some flowers to my brother's widow, would you?

Jan. 9th, 2008


*Saunters around the up-market end of Tirion's business district, so she can investigate this phenomenon known as "post Manwëmas sales."*

*Seeing as her father's festival has resulted in bargain after bargain, decides that father must a be benevolent deity indeed.*

*Suddenly stops in her tracks when she hears something horrible.*

*Drops her shopping and heads towards the source of the Discord.*

*Stops by the palace gates and speaks to the guards in a tone that implies the valie will brook no argument.*

Let me in.

Edit: *Contacts her father for advice/help/comfort/all of the above while she faces off against Melkor.*

*Is not scared, is not scared. Much</small.*

Jan. 7th, 2008


*has by now returned to the Palace*

*is really starting to feel the pain of being crammed into such a small body* *rather likes the taste of blood, generally, but coughing it up is highly unpleasant* >.<

*on the plus side, feels quite ready to re-manifest His fana* \:D/

*has a little business to take care of before He does so, though*

*purposefully makes His way toward the administrative wing*

Dec. 28th, 2007


*is concerned for his eldest*

*really cannot think of any reason which might explain Findaráto's strange behavior* :?

*heads to his son's study at sundown, knowing from experience that Findaráto is most likely to be found there (buried in a stack of books, no doubt)*

Dec. 26th, 2007


*is well and truly bewildered*

*doesn't think he's ever seen Finrod quite so...frosty* :? :/

*perches on a balcony overlooking the Palace's eastern wing, watching the Sun rise*
