December 2008




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Nov. 10th, 2008


Dear diary,

I managed to find a consulate for local mortals in this town, despite the best efforts of these evasive denizens to tell me nothing useful about this so-called Blessed Realm. I have been provided with temporary accomodation. It is nothing special but it is clean and comfortable so I shall thank Eru for small mercies.

As I write this, I am sitting in the park, eating a baguette from a place the local despot recommended. He said it was a nice change from "poncy elvish food." It is rather more "poncy" than I would have expected anyway. He assured me it would be a "rustic reminder of home." I don't remember having dijon mustard in Emerië.

Despite his help in securing me accomodation and his culinary tips, I cannot help feeling that I was once again subject to evasion and dissembling. He seemed quite aimiable until I mentioned my name and lineage. After that, he made excuses and left. Said he needed to "go and make sure the wife wasn't drowing. Or something."

I shall get to the bottom of this. I shall.

Oct. 18th, 2008


Dear diary,

locals here are very strange. When one introduces oneself, one would think it common courtesy to reciprocate. Apparently, this basic tenet of normal social behaviour is not observed here in Tirion. I'm not sure whether to be intruiged, offended or both.

I live in hope that I'll run into someone who has a rudimentary grasp of social mores in the near future. I'm not sure where I'm going to find that. All I am sure of is that my desire to give people the benefit of the doubt is diminishing rapidly.

*Settles on a park bench and scowls at the world.*

Oct. 4th, 2008


Dear diary,

seems mortals do get rehoused after all, question is, where to go from here? Those elves in Taniquietil said that most mortals head for Tirion. I wonder if they were just trying to get rid of me? They did seem quite haughty, wrinkled their noses alot. Anyway, Tirion seems like as good a place as any; big city, lots of people, should be someone who can tell me if my family has come back too, away from any harbours.

I can't help wondering if Aldarion and Ancalimë are back, I can't help wondering if it would be a good idea to try to start over. I mean, if rehousing has made me look at things differently maybe he has too? He might not give me the brush off like last time. Or maybe I'm succumbing to wishful thinking.

*Reaches Tirion and makes a beeline for the nearest gathering of people.*

*Figures the pub would be a good place to start.*