December 2008



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August 16th, 2008

[info]ulwarthperedhel in [info]rpg_aman

*so far, is having a very good time at the Easterling camp!* *has been oohing and ahhing over the many stolen horses tethered nearby while his father and brother were off drinking coffee and discussing Grown Up Matters*

*was a little nervous at first, hoping no one would knock his head covering off or ask him to remove it for whatever reason, but has relaxed a lot while chattering with the men in charge of the horses* (*they seem to think he says certain things funny, though?* *will have to ask his father*)

*is eventually brought to the fire in the center of camp, where he is told a meal is being prepared* *oh good, is starving*

*spots his father and brother approaching and stands on his toes, waving them over* :)

ETA: *slips away while his father is engaged in what sounds like a serious conversation with Uldor*

*is very, very curious about the other half-Elf in camp--Uldor's guest?*

*from what he could hear, it sounded as though the guest was staying in Uldor's tent* *asks one of the men for directions there, mumbling something about being sent to fetch something or other*

*eventually finds himself at the tent entrance* *peeps inside*

[info]veantur in [info]rpg_aman

*Spent the night in the pub.*

*Slowly begins to realise that the night doesn't seem to have ended.*

*Decides to take this as an opportunity to enjoy an extra night's festivities rather than angst about the lack of daylight.*

*Orders another round and does his best to instruct the in-house band on how to play a traditional Númenórean fishing song.*