December 2008



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March 30th, 2008

[info]sunmaiden in [info]rpg_aman

*has been restless since the Festival* *spends three days pacing, swimming, and generally prowling around her ship before she finally decides to go into town and burn off some energy*

*gets off work and heads to one of her usual out-of-the-way haunts, dimming her Music and dousing her outward shine completely* *settles at the bar with a nuclear-grade Bloody Mary and unobtrusively takes stock of the other patrons*

Nah, he's too short. Eh, not bad, but too dark. Too green--what, is he even legal yet? Hm, okay overall, but those are some stubby sausage-fingers...

*slowly comes to the conclusion that she is looking for company of the tall, pale, mature variety, preferably with long archer's hands*


*even more slowly realizes that she won't find what she wants on Arda* :/

[info]daemion in [info]rpg_aman

*stands in the take-away queue at the café, somewhat annoyed with the Casino's inability to serve a decent cup of coffee and wondering when his father is going to want to go back to digging tunnels at the new stronghold* *hopefully not any time soon, doesn't especially like digging tunnels either*

[info]ex_tinuviel625 in [info]rpg_aman

*hasn't had too much interest in decorating lately and finds himself not doing much else other than worrying, especially after hearing about Nimloth's return from Beren*


*focuses on his son, wondering what his state of mind is* *not that he's trying to intrude or anything*

*looks alarmed*
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[info]almarian in [info]rpg_aman

*is keeping her son company in Lórien while he works through this difficult time*

*is not sure how long this difficult time is going to last oh gracious Anardil everyone has to move on sometime :( but is going to stick with it*

*has, so far, been implementing this plan through the strategy of crocheting afghans for her son, every member of his extended family, and all Lórien personnel*

*is then going to move on to a sugar-cookie bake-off and then is going to be fresh out of ideas*

*wonders what the rest of her family is up to and can only hope it's more sane cheerful*

[info]ulmo in [info]rpg_aman

*Has a worn out, emotionally drained, sleeping valie resting her head on his lap.*

*Worries about how she's going to deal with Nienor's discordant aspect if her tonal Music affected her this badly.*

*Gently trails his fingers through her hair as he thinks over his next move.*

*Finds it kinda relaxing. Very relaxing. Who knew?*

*Nods off to sleep before he realises what's happened.*

[info]maitimo in [info]rpg_aman

*hasn't been doing so well since breakfast, pretty much shutting himself up in the library to brood*

*as the afternoon draws to a close, emerges and considers going for a walk*