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November 16th, 2010

[info]burningupasun in [info]papillonnet

This place keeps getting weirder... I've been telling off students for snogging in my classes all week, you wanna know why that's odd?

Because until Halloween, I never ever saw any of the locals do that. It's as if their sexual instincts have suddenly been switched on. As if someone here needs them to have a sex drive.

[info]_enihpesoj in [info]papillonnet

filtered against the harvelle parents (even when drunk you block the 'rents)

[[back dated to right after the whole "Bill was possessed" revelation]]

cant get up the stuiod stairs sam can yoiu cmme give me a hand> cnt do this

[info]roadhousehbic in [info]papillonnet

Filtered to both versions of Jo Harvelle )

[info]agentclairebear in [info]papillonnet

Strange city I can't leave? Okay. I'll deal.

New job I never asked for? Again, fine. I can make due.

Becoming a glorified babysitter to a bunch of fully trained police officials because their hormones are stronger than their common sense? So not cool. Definitely did not sign up for it and do not want to deal with it. Somebody figure out what's causing this and fix it already, please.

This crap keeps up and I'm going to resign and just mooch off you for the rest of, well, forever, Zoe.

[info]putontheboots in [info]papillonnet

Thomas Raith )

Eliot Spencer )

Tenth Doctor )

Becky )

[info]oldtowngirl in [info]papillonnet

mr. crowley & mr. aziraphale

The cops know what I'm doin'. At least the lady one, Murphy, does so they probably know I'm runnin' things out of your bar. She don't seem like she wants to arrest me or you guys right now but I thought you should know. If you want me to stop working there I understand sorry