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October 3rd, 2010

[info]ravenwolf in [info]papillonnet

Oh my god

What the bloody hell happened last night?

[info]_enihpesoj in [info]papillonnet

So, let me guess, we all woke up forcibly married this morning? Thanks and all but I already have a boyfriend. Back home. Where I would still like to be sent, thanks. Fucker.

Mom, Dad, Senior, Sams, Dean,
You guys okay? Not married to any demons or the devil or anything?

[info]archaic_rival in [info]papillonnet

Oh. My.

[info]whitefoxkitten in [info]papillonnet

Tommy, did I?

I don't remember what happened last night.

I don't feel any different.

She's still breathing.

I can't leave the apartment.

I'm going to fix breakfast.

[info]burntoutheart in [info]papillonnet

Why am I not in my room? And who is this person in here with me? John. Is this a joke? It isn't funny, if it is!

[info]oldtowngirl in [info]papillonnet

Um, hi other person in my apartment. I went out to the living room when I woke up 'cause I was gonna run away but I guess I can't get too far away from you. I'm Becky. I really hope you don't take this the wrong way but I don't wanna be married or nothin' and it wasn't my idea so when you wake up and see this don't be mad at me.

Why is this happening to everyone? This is really gonna mess up business

[info]justplainadam in [info]papillonnet

No, no, no, no, no. This is just plain all wrong.

[info]ofarrogant in [info]papillonnet

Bree )

[info]agentclairebear in [info]papillonnet

Filtered to Zoe Bennet )

[info]thecallofmagic in [info]papillonnet

Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Wrong British guy, persons-or-potentially-just-entities-responsible-for-this.

You can't randomly marry an already married woman to someone else just for kicks because, hey, polygamy is pretty much illegal everywhere and even if it weren't, it's still wrong and I don't like it and I want to go back to my British guy now please and thankyouverymuch.

[info]strengthinmagic in [info]papillonnet

...That is definitely the wrong redhead.

I'm already married to a brilliant redhead. I don't need another one. Or anyone else for that matter. Could we please rectify this? And quickly? I would quite like to return to my redhead, if it's all the same.

[info]harvelle in [info]papillonnet

Oh fuck me!

[info]niblet in [info]papillonnet

So Buffy...did I get a new brother or sister in law?

[info]onlydiedonce in [info]papillonnet


So, Sam? When you said you were going to show me around, this wasn't really what I had in mind.

I mean, you're nice and all, but I don't really marry guys on the first meeting.

[info]roadhousehbic in [info]papillonnet

I think it's safe to say the other shoe in this place has finally dropped. And while I don't think I'm alone in this, I have to say, I don't find it the least bit damn funny.

[info]harvelle in [info]papillonnet

Filtered to Anna & Cas Novak

Did you two get married too?

[info]putontheboots in [info]papillonnet

Third time's the charm, eh? I don't remember getting quite that carried away last night, do you?

Exactly how drunk was I when we parted company last night?

[info]valiantdefender in [info]papillonnet

So, out of the whole lot of us, am I the only one who finds this funny at all? C'mon, where's your sense of humour?

There are worse things to wake up to than sharin' a bed with a stranger.

[info]burningupasun in [info]papillonnet


No, really, what?

This is ridiculous, if I were going to marry anyone it wouldn't be a woman who thinks just because my civilisation's millions of years ahead of hers I'm talking down to her her!

And before anyone says a word, I never get so drunk I can't remember the night before. Did someone drug me?

[info]thenewviceroy in [info]papillonnet

Well, at least things seem interesting here. Do you have any idea how loud you all are?

[info]heyheylisten in [info]papillonnet

I don't sleep in pajamas.

And I apparently did something with/to Sam?

holy cow shirtless sam wow


[info]easy_lover in [info]papillonnet

I do not see why everyone is so upset. This is how I spend most of my mornings. Well, normally without the wedding bit.