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September 11th, 2010

[info]righteousnomore in [info]papillonnet

It's kind of ironic I get more television channels in this place than I do 'back home', isn't it? I don't even know what half this shit is.

I know, I know. And this isn't going to turn into a habit or anything, but I just...

I need to know. About Sam's deal. Please. She can't collect here, can she?

I'm going out tomorrow. Sam's. Spending the day with Sam. But I was thinking- dinner again, Sunday? Just the two of us this time.

[info]sanctimony in [info]papillonnet

[Cas Novak]
At the risk of being blunt, don't fuck my new waitress. You won't like the consequences.

[Jennifer Check]
You're late for work. Dress appropriately for an upscale restaurant, and come to Lux. [Address].

[info]niblet in [info]papillonnet

I miss my sister.

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]papillonnet

Two years I've known this day was going to come. I made the deal, and I don't regret it. I had two years with Dean I wouldn't have had otherwise. And Dean's alive, and that's what matters. I'd do it all over again, for him, to save him.

But now that it's time, and I've got less than 14 hours left, I'm scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to go to hell. The hounds are going to come get me. I could have stopped them. I should have killed Lilith. Why didn't I kill her?

My life isn't worth more than the world. I'm only one person. I'm not even anyone special. I'm just me, just Sam. Killing Lilith would have broken my contract, but it would have doomed everyone else. I couldn't do that, I couldn't doom the world for just a few more days with my brother.

I don't even know if the debt can be collected here. Dean seems to think maybe not. If Lilith was here, if she had any control here, she would have showed herself, by now. Unless coming after me to collect on my contract is her big reveal. I desperately want to believe she has no pull here, that she can't reach me here. I guess we'll find out at midnight.

Today feels like both the longest and the shortest day of my life.

[info]_lightbringer in [info]papillonnet

I've just been informed that tomorrow is my first day of work.

At the church.

Clearly, God hates me.

[info]angelofnowhere in [info]papillonnet


Anna, I would like to see you under slightly less... stressful circumstances.

Would you come with me to the cafe? I have developed a taste for coffee and I would like to talk to you.