Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Group Activity - Bowling! [Feb. 2nd, 2009|08:38 pm]
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WHO: Jareth, Severus Snape, Dean Winchester, Michiru Kaioh (posting order TBD)
WHAT: Group Activity - Bowling
WHEN: Morning of Day 31
WHERE: The Bowling Alley
STATUS: Incomplete

When Snape heard the sound outside his door, his mood sank and he fought off an urge to fling the closest beaker against the far wall. )
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|04:55 pm]

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Who: Violet Baudelaire,Illyana Rasputin, L Lawliet,Ianto Jones (Posting Order Set)
What: Group Activity - Swimming in the Lake
When: Day 31, Morning
Where: The Lake of Course
Rating: PG-13 for language at worst
Status: Open

Science and Swimming Usually Don't Mix Very Well )
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|01:26 pm]

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Who: Laura Moon, Edward Elric, Andy Gallagher, and Sarah Jane Smith (Posting Order TBD)
What: Group Activity - Skating
When: Day 31, Morning
Where: Commencing at Fitness Center
Rating: G
Status: Closed; Dropped

There was no need to put a dead woman with superhuman speed on wheels... )
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|10:10 pm]
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WHO: Faith Lehane, Shannon Rutherford, Sam Tyler, Jack Harkness (Posting order set)
WHAT: Group Activity - Boating
WHEN: Day 31, Early afternoon
WHERE: The lakefront
STATUS: Incomplete

On the plus side, she got to exercise her rather extensive collection of swear words as the thing carried her... )
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|09:57 pm]
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WHO: Yuna, Max Guevara, Gene Hunt, The Doctor
WHAT: Group Activity - Horseback Riding
WHEN: Day 31, Mid-morning
WHERE: Starting at some sort of stables or building to that effect
STATUS: Complete

Are you a 'horse'? )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|04:53 am]
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WHO: Luke Smith, Blair Waldorf, Kibeth, Sam Winchester
WHAT: Racquetball
WHEN: Day 30, afternoon
WHERE: Where ever the racquetball court is set up, lol
STATUS: Incomplete

Something new to do )
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Group Activity - Hiking! [Jan. 22nd, 2009|09:18 pm]
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WHO: Marcus Cole, Sidney Prescott, James Norrington, Rose Tyler (posting order TBD)
WHAT: Group activity -- Hiking
WHEN: Day 30, morning
WHERE: Outside the lodge, on the lawn
STATUS: Incomplete

Marcus woke to find a much more yellow variety of sunlight coming in his window )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|12:03 pm]
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WHO: Legolas, Spike, Mercy Thompson, Gregory House (posting order set)
WHAT: Group activities - Kayaking/Canoeing
WHEN: Day 30, late morning
WHERE: The lake
STATUS: Incomplete

He grinned broadly, beyond pleased with the summons... )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|11:04 am]
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WHO: Tonks, Gwen Cooper, Haruka Ten'ou, Vaarsuvius
WHAT: Group activities - Jet Skiing
WHEN: Day 30, early afternoon
WHERE: The lake
STATUS: Complete

Really? Again? )
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|12:33 pm]

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Who: Susan Pevensie, Gray Harkness, Astor Bennett, Alphonse Elric (posting order set)
When: Day 30
What: Meeting of the Younger (along with one teen) Residents of Mirage via Video Games
Rating: PG-13 tops
Status: Incomplete

Susan saw the note on her door and was beyond confused, she had never heard of video games before and it showed on her face. But she also saw there were 3 others, all she had not met yet so this should be a sight. So once the golems showed up she sat in th video game area and waited for the rest to arrive. The simple skirt and sweater was more fitting the 1940's and well this young queen would not explain Narnia unless asked but she was quite curious. "So different, nothing like home or even Narnia" as she watched the doorway while sipping some mint tea.

Susan also has no idea that she would be the oldest of this little group at 16 or that 2 of the kids are close in age to her own sister.
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Day Twenty Six [Dec. 7th, 2008|08:08 pm]
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Who: Fred & George Weasley, Kibeth and Legolas (Posting order first come first serve)
When: Day 26, morning
What: Mandatory activity: Ice Fishing
Where: The frozen lake
Rating: Let's start with PG
Status: Complete

Go to the frozen lake. You will be ice fishing. This is mandatory... )
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|01:14 pm]

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Who: Sidney Prescott, John Crichton, Illyana Rasputin and Toph Bei Fong (posting order set as people answer)
What: "Forced Fun" in Sidney's Words
When: Day 25
Where: Alpine Slide
Rating: PG-13 for possible language
Status: Complete

Sidney was not a happy camper as she walked towards the alpine slide, finding the note on her door about "forced fun" was not her idea of a good time after how rough the last few days had been on her mind and soul. The Weasley twins had gotten her to lighten up a notch and that helped but she was still having the worst time with being social and being around other people. So there the pale brunette sat, wrapped up in a simple trench coat she had located before braving the trip outside. "Wonder if anyone else is not so happy about this either" she mused to herself while watching things along the hillside. But anyone could see how rotten Sidney was still feeling in the emotional and mental sense of the word.
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[Nov. 25th, 2008|07:33 am]
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Who: Michiru, Blair, Vaako, Marcus (Posting order to be determined by who responds when)
When: Day 24 Afternoon
What: Going snowmobiling!
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Status: Complete

This really isn't my sort of thing )
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Day 23 - Ice Skating [Nov. 16th, 2008|01:42 pm]
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Who: Giselle, Alex, Haruka, and Zuko
What: Ice Skating Group Activity
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Lake
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Go to the frozen lake. You will be ice skating. )
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Day Twenty-Two; Group Activity [Nov. 7th, 2008|10:24 pm]
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Who: Katara, Armand, Anakin Skywalker, and Rose Tyler ((Posting Order))
When: Day 22 ; A little after noon
What: Group Activity ; Skiing and Snowboarding
Where: The ski lift
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

She was almost home wherever there was snow. It was her native climate. It made her powerful, for she was a waterbender, and snow was comprised of water. )
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Day Twenty-One ; Group Activity [Oct. 31st, 2008|04:48 pm]
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Who: Yvaine, Andy Gallagher, Ayla, and Severus Snape ((Posting Order))
When: Day 21 ; Early Morning
What: Group Activity ; Picking and Stomping Grapes
Where: First to the Winery, then to the grape fields, then back to the winery
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Her gaze was drawn toward a white envelope that had been stuck to her door. )
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Day 3 - Country Line Dancing! [Jun. 13th, 2008|08:48 pm]

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Who: Max, Rose, Maxxie, Gabrielle, Doumyouji
What: Country Line Dancing Class
When: 10:00am
Where: The Ballroom
Rating: TBD
Status: Completed

So you think you can dance... )
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Day 3- White Water Rafting [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:51 am]
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Who: Austin, Legolas, Ace and Brigitte
What: White Water River Rafting
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: The Boathouse/River
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

Austin cracked one eye open. He heard the rustle of paper on the other side of his door and his eyes shifted to the door. It was a garish mustard color, and the rest of the colors in the room were just as bad. Sitting up, he crept toward the door in a pair of red briefs with the British flag plastered across his butt. He opened it a crack and peered out from behind his thick glasses. Seeing no one, he stuck his head out and looked down the hall. He saw a golem sticking envelopes on other doors as well and looked to his and saw there was one with his name on it.

Plucking it off the door, he shut it as he slipped back inside and went to his rotating bed. It was currently rotating and as he tried to sit down his butt moved but his feet didn't and that caused him to land on the floor with a thud. Getting up quickly, he looked around, even though there was no one in his room. A fact he quite regretted. Straightening his glasses he hopped on the bed and sat down to read the enclosed message.

Go to the boat house.... )
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Day 3- Fishing [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:35 am]
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Who: Ayla, John, The Doctor and Miguel
What: Fishing
When: Morning, after breakfast
Where: The Dock/The Lake
Rating: R for nudity
Status: Complete!

Ayla had decided to stay away from the foyer this morning. She didn't want the responsibility of greeting anyone else. It was too hard to explain to new people what had happened to them. There were others that did a much better job of it. Giselle made it look downright easy. So, Ayla figured if she didn't see the flashing light of the new keys, she didn't have to greet anyone.

She went through the back door of the kitchen for some breakfast, and then headed out to see about Whinney and Racer. Both horses nickered when she neared and she began to speak to them in a combination of verbal and sign language. "Good morning, Whinney." When she said the mare's name word, it came out as more of a horse whinney than a name. "Good morning, Racer." She patted the dark steppe horse on his neck and hugged both animals. Whinney was Racer's mother, and Ayla had raised them both.

She finished her breakfast... )
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Day 3- Bowling [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:23 am]
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Who: Giselle, Tyler, Jun, Katara and Christian
What: Bowling
When: Late Morning
Where: Bowling Alley
Rating: TBD
Status: Completed!

Giselle woke with the pleasant thoughts of Legolas in her head. Their impromptu duet the day before had stuck with her even into her dreams. She smiled dreamily as she sat up in bed and went to the balcony doors. She leaned against the side of the balcony and sang with all her heart. When she had finished her seranade of the entire resort, she resumed waking up.

She showered and dressed with the help of her animal friends and went to get some breakfast at the restaurant. When she returned from a satisfying meal of pancakes and fresh fruit, she saw an envelope taped to her door that she had neglected to notice before. She pulled it off and tore it open. Giselle loved getting messages, and she half hoped it was from Legolas.

But it was not to be... )
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