Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Mar. 13th, 2009|12:20 am]

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-Who: Susan and Quatre
-What: "A Curious Machine"
-When: Sometime that day
-Where: Somewhere on the Grounds
-Rating: PG-13 to be safe
-Status: Incomplete

After fighting lizards the day before Susan was itching for normal or at least what passed for normal on this planet. So after she dressed she slung her quiver over one shoulder and went to locate the targets she had found pre lizards. That was when she saw a strange ship of some sort,"Curious, this is not common in Narnia" as she decided there was no harm in taking a look around. But compared to the ship Susan appears to be more old fashioned in her skirt and sweater, but the arrows showed she was so much more. In the process she easily grabbed some of her arrows from the day before's fight, not knowing her arrows had actually been useful.
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:29 am]

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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 6! Outside, between the tennis courts, sauna, and garden
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Some lizards were off in the garden, replanting the flowers however they wanted: upside down, sideways, burying them completely, or ripping the heads off and burying just the stems. Two had taken a dip in the small pond inside the garden, although they couldn't quite get in it all the way as it wasn't very big and they, well, were. Others were on the tennis court, amusing themselves with the tennis balls. A few were gleefully pelting one with them, but since they were small and fuzzy and the lizards had tough hides, it didn't hurt as much as throwing a bowling ball at it full speed would. A small group had ventured over to the outside pool, poking at the water warily. The group crowded too close, wanting to get a better view at this odd lake, that the one who had poked the water slipped and fell in with a loud squeal. It panicked for a moment before it realized it could stand up easily; it was in the shallow end.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Jan. 22nd, 2009|12:33 pm]

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Who: Susan Pevensie, Gray Harkness, Astor Bennett, Alphonse Elric (posting order set)
When: Day 30
What: Meeting of the Younger (along with one teen) Residents of Mirage via Video Games
Rating: PG-13 tops
Status: Incomplete

Susan saw the note on her door and was beyond confused, she had never heard of video games before and it showed on her face. But she also saw there were 3 others, all she had not met yet so this should be a sight. So once the golems showed up she sat in th video game area and waited for the rest to arrive. The simple skirt and sweater was more fitting the 1940's and well this young queen would not explain Narnia unless asked but she was quite curious. "So different, nothing like home or even Narnia" as she watched the doorway while sipping some mint tea.

Susan also has no idea that she would be the oldest of this little group at 16 or that 2 of the kids are close in age to her own sister.
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Party thread! [Jan. 2nd, 2009|09:59 pm]

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-Who: Everyone!
-What: Party time!
-When: Day 27, from 5 in the morning carrying on until 5 am the next day when everything will get cleaned up by the golems
-Where: Ballroom, club, bar, places around there
-Status: Complete
-Rating: Who knows! Could go from anywhere between G and R!

If one were to walk into the ballroom after 5 am, they would find brightly colored streamers hanging across the walls and from the ceiling. Confetti was constantly fluttering down from the ceiling, as if the tiny pieces were snow themselves. Tables had been set up along the wall with plates, silverware, and all sorts of food imaginable. The Planet had made sure to include everyone's favorite food on the menu. The dessert table was huge. There was also a drink table nearby, complete with a bar and a few golems manning it to monitor the intake of drinks as well as serve them up. The Planet seemed to be either apologizing for all the people missing or wanting the remaining people to get together and meet each other again.... or perhaps it was a little bit of both.
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[Nov. 18th, 2008|05:20 pm]

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Who: Kadaj, Susan and open
When: Day 23 afternoon
What: So much snow!
Where: Outside, heading for the zip lines
Rating: G
Status: In progress
Such things as seeking time off )
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[Oct. 25th, 2008|01:14 am]
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Who: Corran Horn and OTA
When: Middle of the day, day 20
Where: Outside
What: Corran arrives inside his X-wing with baby and droid in tow!
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

I don't think we're on Coruscant anymore... )
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[Oct. 21st, 2008|02:21 am]

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Who: Ginny Weasley - open for Sam & Susan (and anyone else who wants to join)
When: day 19 late morning
What: Ginny takes a look around
Where: outside, near building A
Rating: probably PG-13
Status: incomplete

checking out this place )
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Day Fourteen [Sep. 5th, 2008|06:20 pm]
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Who: Legolas and Susan
What: Friendly archery contest
When: Day 14, after lunch with Haruka and Michiru
Where: Somewhere outside? With, um, an archery range? The Planet can make that happen, right?
Rating: I doubt this would go above a PG, if that.
Status: Complete

He would use his own bow, and there were all sorts of things to shoot at. Everything from bullseyes to tin cans to shoot down, and even dummies... )
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[Aug. 30th, 2008|06:28 pm]
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Who: Bob and OTA
What: Bob arrives!
Where: Middle of the garden
When: Day 13, early afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

This is not good... )
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Hurricane Party! [Aug. 8th, 2008|09:28 pm]
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Who: Ginny and the other residents of the resort
What: Hurricane Party!
When: Day 10, around 7 PM.
Where: The White Sands Resort Bar and Club
Rating: PG? I don't know what crazy shenanigans are going to occur.
Status: In progress.

Ginny hated being stuck indoors.

She almost literally been trying to climb the walls in her frustration when she'd decided to throw a hurricane party. She hadn't met many of the residents, and figured if there was anyone else as irritated at being stuck inside then they'd appreciate the change of scenery. It'd also give people a chance to mingle and meet. She wondered if there were others from her world here besides Tonks.

The planet had been most accomodating to her ideas. The club was currently themed for a luau, and small lanterns shed a soft glow over numerous smaller groupings of tables as well as over the dance floor and bar. She hadn't been sure what the other residents might eat, so she'd asked for a large selection of snacks. The bar was well-stocked as well. She didn't recognize all of the things stocked, but she did notice a bottle of Firewhiskey and what appeared to be butterbeer.

Now all this party needed was people. Maybe she'd get to see Max again.
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[Aug. 8th, 2008|10:54 am]

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Who: Susan Pevensie, whoever decides to play greeter (someone nice please?)
When: Day 10, around 6 am
Where: On the Beach
What: Susan's Arrival
Rating: PG-13 for now.
Status: Complete!

Return from Narnia and Now Here )
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