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Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Day Twenty-Three [Nov. 17th, 2008|01:47 am]
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Who: Katara and Zuko
When: Day 23 ; Evening
What: Confrontations of a different nature
Where: Outside, somewhere between the lake and Residential Building A
Rating: PG - 13
Status: Complete

What had happened with her friends and family after she disappeared? It was another thing she would have to mention along with the apology. )
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The Song of Fire and Ice [Nov. 8th, 2008|05:40 pm]
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Who: Zuko and Katara
What: Katara harasses Zuko again... with much different results
When: Night time
Where: In the internet cafe
Rating: R
Status: Complete

Zuko remained alone, in his room for most of the day. )
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Day Twenty-Two; Group Activity [Nov. 7th, 2008|10:24 pm]
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Who: Katara, Armand, Anakin Skywalker, and Rose Tyler ((Posting Order))
When: Day 22 ; A little after noon
What: Group Activity ; Skiing and Snowboarding
Where: The ski lift
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

She was almost home wherever there was snow. It was her native climate. It made her powerful, for she was a waterbender, and snow was comprised of water. )
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Day Twenty-One [Nov. 1st, 2008|07:06 pm]
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Who: Katara, Toph Bei Fong, and Zuko
When: Day 21 ; Late Morning
What: Confronting Zuko once again
Where: Building E first, then to the meadow
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

The entire thing was so absurd that she could completely understand Zuko’s unwillingness to believe her, even if she knew she was right. )
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Day Twenty [Oct. 28th, 2008|09:43 pm]
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Who: Katara and Zuko
When: Day 20 ; Late Afternoon
What: Katara confronts Zuko
Where: Building A - Zuko’s room
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

This was not the Fire Lord she knew. This was the angry Prince Zuko of their childhood... )
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[Oct. 25th, 2008|11:34 pm]
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Who: toph . katara
When: afternoon
What: she needs some healin'
Where: outside katara's room
Rating: pg.13
Status: complete

a little help? )
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|10:50 am]
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Who: Legolas, Giselle, Katara, Aragorn (Posting order too?)
What: Reuniting with friends
When: Late night, after Legolas and Katara defeat Wolverine
Where: The alter where Giselle and Aragorn are being held
Rating: PG-13 or so. Mostly just for sappiness.
Status: Complete

A happy, carefree elven song was on his lips... )
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[Oct. 5th, 2008|06:11 pm]
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Who: Wolverine, Katara, Legolas (posting order? And victims if they want to chime in, or we can start a new thread for the post defeat rescue)
What: Wolvy goes hunting
When: Night time
Where: Close to the altar where Aragorn and Giselle are being held
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Active

In the quiet darkness, Wolverine sat alone, knees bent in meditation. )
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Day Sixteen [Sep. 23rd, 2008|09:40 am]
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Who: Legolas and Katara
What: Meeting for the first time, making friends, and deciding to go after Aragorn and Giselle. On a guess.
When: Late Morning
Where: By the cafe
Rating: Not more than PG, if that
Status: Complete

It almost looked like there'd been some sort of struggle... )
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Misfire... [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:35 pm]
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Who: Vincent and Katara
What: Fun with Firearms
When: Mid Morning
Where: Out in the Woods
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

There beside Vincent, half covered in nothing but furs, Katara slept peacefully, gripping the tops of them with her left hand which boldly displayed a golden wedding ring. )
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[Sep. 5th, 2008|11:40 am]

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Who: Violet Baudelaire and Whoever Plays Greeter
What: Getting Dumped onto the Planet
When: Day 14
Where: Somewhere on the Beach
Rating: PG-13 for Olaf Being Spoken of
Status: Complete

Violet Baudelaire and her family had been on the run from Olaf when the nightmare finally ended. Little did she know this would be another in A Series of Unfortunate Events. The planet with a sense of humor decides to dump Violet onto the beach and into the surf. So a now very drenched with surf Violet was coming around after a not so smooth landing and realized this was not where she was supposed to be. "Klaus? Sunny?" she called hopefully of her family being around. But out of habit since part of her still felt like Olaf was around (and could be behind this) she grabbed a couple of sticks and jury rigged a makeshift weapon for herself (thankfully her gear kit had washed up alongside her on the shore). "Well whoever decided to pull this had better not be Olaf!" she hissed as she grabbed several fallen parts and spotted what she hoped was a loaded dumpster. So Violet being the curious sort headed for the dumpster but not before being soaked by another freak wave.

Things were not looking too bright and well what would help Violet was a friend and maybe some dry clothes. But anyone could see one thing within young Violet: a massive sense of fear and feeling more alone than words could express. She did realize,"At least my photo was not ruined" as she plucked the photo of her,Klaus and Sunny from the ground. But she was dazed, a bit confused and to be truthful Violet did not look very well. But being on the run for so long was to blame.
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[Aug. 30th, 2008|08:25 pm]
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Who: Dahak and Katara
What: An unlucky meeting for her but a lucky one for him…
Where: The Garden
When: Day 13; Late Afternoon
Rating: PG to PG-13
Status: Complete

Oh, unlucky day… )
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Day Thirteen [Aug. 29th, 2008|03:52 pm]
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Who: Katara and Vincent Valentine
What: Food Consumption and Dancing
Where: The Restaurant to start
When: Day 13 ; Evening
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

The waterbender donned her robes before setting out with a golem to seek Vincent... )
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Day Twelve [Aug. 23rd, 2008|11:24 pm]
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Who: Katara and Sub-Zero
What: Working with Water
When: Day 12 ; Sunset
Where: The Beach
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Nice work, though the over-the-head flare was unnecessary. )
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A Gargoyle in the Night... [Aug. 23rd, 2008|03:30 pm]
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Who: Vincent and Katara
What: A Fateful Meeting under a full moon.
When: Day 12 late evening
Where: Near the Barn
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Vincent Valentine was not there, the following night when Katara came looking for him. )
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Day 12- Training in the Sunshine [Aug. 22nd, 2008|09:49 am]

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Who: Xena, Gabrielle, Katara, Toph & Faith (posting order)
What: Weapons Training
When: Early Morning
Where: A grassy area outside the gardens
Rating: Depends, probably PG
Status: Complete

Alright ladies, are we ready for a little hard work? )
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Tune as old as song... [Aug. 18th, 2008|07:33 pm]
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Who: Vincent and Katara
When: Day 11, Evening
What: Katara checks on Vincent
Where: Vincent's Room
Rating: PG for now
Status: Complete

Surrounded by inky darkness, a single man stood alone. )
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Day 10 [Aug. 8th, 2008|11:00 pm]

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Who: Xena & Katara
What: More Training
When: Late Morning
Where: Training Room
Rating: G-ish
Status: Complete

She looked up the girl's room number and headed that way. )
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Hurricane Party! [Aug. 8th, 2008|09:28 pm]
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Who: Ginny and the other residents of the resort
What: Hurricane Party!
When: Day 10, around 7 PM.
Where: The White Sands Resort Bar and Club
Rating: PG? I don't know what crazy shenanigans are going to occur.
Status: In progress.

Ginny hated being stuck indoors.

She almost literally been trying to climb the walls in her frustration when she'd decided to throw a hurricane party. She hadn't met many of the residents, and figured if there was anyone else as irritated at being stuck inside then they'd appreciate the change of scenery. It'd also give people a chance to mingle and meet. She wondered if there were others from her world here besides Tonks.

The planet had been most accomodating to her ideas. The club was currently themed for a luau, and small lanterns shed a soft glow over numerous smaller groupings of tables as well as over the dance floor and bar. She hadn't been sure what the other residents might eat, so she'd asked for a large selection of snacks. The bar was well-stocked as well. She didn't recognize all of the things stocked, but she did notice a bottle of Firewhiskey and what appeared to be butterbeer.

Now all this party needed was people. Maybe she'd get to see Max again.
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This is my punishment... [Aug. 8th, 2008|06:04 pm]
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Who: Vincent Valentine and Katara
When: Day 10, around 4 am
Where: Nibelheim/On the Beach
What: Vincent's Arrival
Rating: PG-13

She was... dying. )
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