Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Jan. 30th, 2009|10:10 pm]
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WHO: Faith Lehane, Shannon Rutherford, Sam Tyler, Jack Harkness (Posting order set)
WHAT: Group Activity - Boating
WHEN: Day 31, Early afternoon
WHERE: The lakefront
STATUS: Incomplete

On the plus side, she got to exercise her rather extensive collection of swear words as the thing carried her... )
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[Jan. 18th, 2009|11:08 am]

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WHO: Jack, Gray and Andy
WHAT: A reunion of brothers... with a friend
WHEN: Day 29, morning
WHERE: Jack and Ianto's room, F207
STATUS: Incomplete

I don't care what he's going to do, he's my brother first and foremost. )
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Snowed in! [Jan. 11th, 2009|06:52 pm]

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Who: The Doctor and OTA
What: The Doctor is snowed in thanks to the Planet's blizzard
When: Day 28
Where: Inside the TARDIS up by the Ski Lift
Rating: None necessary, I hope
Status: Open

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[Jan. 7th, 2009|08:21 am]
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Who: Ianto Jones and Jack Harkness
When: Day 27
What: Ianto finds out Jack got deposited on Mirage. Again.
Rating: NC-17. Slash ahoy!
Status: Complete

Where the hell was Jack? )
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[Jan. 2nd, 2009|10:05 pm]

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Who: Gwen Cooper and Jack Harkness (and whoever wants to play greeter)
When: Day 27
What: A Simple Rift Gift Chase?
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Status: Complete

A Simple Chase? )
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[Oct. 17th, 2008|12:09 pm]

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Who: Gwen Cooper (Jack or Ianto if possible, otherwise open)
What: Being Redropped
When: Mid-morning
Where: Somewhere outside
Rating: PG-13 (Gwen might curse)
Status: Complete

It had been a routine run to check the sewers for weevils when it happened, Gwen had taken a crash landing into some water when she realized this was not the Cardiff sewers. She quickly made sure everything was still there or not broken (from her knapsack with extra weevil spray to her wedding ring on a chain around her neck). "Something is strange and for once the Rift is not a factor" as she slung the bag over one arm and went to nosy around. That was when she sneezed, nothing was wrong but something had to be. She had been hiding her raw emotions from everyone beyond Rhys, her husband. "Where is Jack and Ianto when I need them?" she muses under her breath.

So for now she just nosed around, looking for anything or anyone from her world. Part of her was more worried about Jack and Ianto after the recent loss of both Owen and Tosh, still a very rough subject for her. Outside of a quick sneeze or two and the semi dazed expression on her face Gwen was in one piece, but Jack and Ianto could see what she kept hidden from the world. Plus she has no idea of the recent kidnapping and one of the targets also being her friend.
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[Oct. 14th, 2008|11:39 pm]
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Who: Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
What: Jack and Ianto meeting after Ianto’s kidnapping.
When: Day 17. Evening.
Where: The hallway outside Ianto’s room.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )
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[Jul. 28th, 2008|05:01 am]
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-Who: Ianto and Jack!
-What: Ianto finally finds Jack
-When: Afternoon-ish
-Where: The hallway in front of Ianto and Jack's rooms; Ianto's room
-Status: Complete
-Rating: R

Ianto couldn't believe his eyes. )
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Day Seven [Jul. 11th, 2008|08:36 pm]
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Who: Tyler and Jack H.
When: Mid-afternoon on day seven.
Where: Outdoor pool
Why: Swimming time!
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Another day in paradise or another day hell... )
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[Jun. 28th, 2008|10:53 am]

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Who: Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler
When: Day 5, Morning
What: Jack meets an old friend
Where: The gardens then the TARDIS
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Familiar friend in unfamiliar places )
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Day Four [Jun. 23rd, 2008|08:05 am]

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Who: Captain Jack Harkness and Austin Powers
When: Day 4, Afternoon
What: Jack decides some relaxation is required.
Where: The resort sauna
Rating: Well, it's already PG for naked Jack. *shrugs* He's in a sauna, what do you expect?
Status: Complete

I am a hedonist at heart )
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Day 3- Country Cooking Class [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:03 am]

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Who: Xena, Lestat, Souji, Jack
What: Country Cooking Lesson
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: The Kitchens
Rating: R- thanks to Lestat's foul mouth.
Status: Complete!

Xena started awake. She sat up and looked around her. The room was the same one she had woken up in for the past few days, but the soft sounds of breathing beside her told her that she was not alone. She looked down and smiled. Gabrielle was slumbering peacefully. Rather than wake her, Xena scooted gently out of bed and went into the shower. She showered and dressed in a clean set of leather armor and brushed her hair.

She peeked out into the room to find Gabrielle still slumbering. Yesterday had been a difficult day for her, and she understood her weariness. She watched her for a minute before she decided to go get some breakfast for the both of them. She opened her door, and heard the rustle of paper against it. She saw the envelopes taped to the door. One was for her, and the other was for Gabrielle.

She took them both off the door and shut it again. She pulled her envelope open and looked at the paper within. Her eyes widened and then she scowled. 'Country cooking!' )
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Day Two [Jun. 6th, 2008|12:18 pm]
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Who: Elizabeth Swann // Captain Jack Harkness
When: Day 2, Early Evening.
What: The arrival of one, Miss Elizabeth Swann
Where: The lake.
Rating: PG (Possible PG-13 for language)
Status: In Progress

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[Jun. 1st, 2008|09:14 am]

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Who: Jack Harkness and one of the golems
What: From Cardiff to a... ranch? Even for Jack, this is weird
When: Late at night in Cardiff/Around noon on the planet
Where: On the ground of the Dude Ranch, near the entrance
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

I can handle weird. I'm used to weird. )
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